136 Tutorials

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Run your own Bitcoin Node! It's not hard just do it!

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Bitcoin Q&A: What is a Private Key?

What is a private key? How are they generated and formatted? Are private keys transmitted when you m…
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Bitcoin Q&A: Public Keys vs. Addresses

What is the difference between public keys and addresses? How are new addresses generated? How are c…
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Bitcoin Q&A: What is Segregated Witness?

What is Segregated Witness (SegWit)? How do you know you’re using SegWit? SegWit fixes transaction m…
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Bitcoin Q&A: Wallet Design and Mass Adoption

What conditions should the ideal wallet meet in terms of security, privacy, and fee estimation? How …
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Bitcoin Q&A: How Do Mnemonic Seeds Work?

What cryptography *magic* makes mnemonic seed words work? How is randomness generated? Can seed word…
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Bitcoin Q&A: Secure, Tiered Storage System

Is there an easy way to generate paper wallets securely? What types of wallets should you be using f…
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Bitcoin's Lightning Network, Simply Explained!

Bitcoin has a 7 transaction/second limit, so how can we overcome this? The Lightning Network is one …
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Bitcoin Q&A: How Do I Choose a Wallet?

How do I choose a cryptocurrency wallet? Every wallet has different features, transaction customizat…
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ColdTi - Punching the BIP 39 Numbers

Get your ColdTi plates on our website at https://www.coldti.com In this video we show how to punc…
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ColdTi - Torch Test Timelapse

House fires typically burn at up to 1000°F. Here we put a ColdTi plate under a MAPP gas torch which…
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ColdTi withstands temperatures in excess of 3000°F (1650°C)

ColdTi plates are unaffected by even the hottest of fires. Once engraved or stamped with your seed w…
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Number Punching ColdTi Plates

Number punching ColdTi plates is easy! Your seed words come from a standardized list of 2048 word…
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ColdTi Engraving Timelapse

Get your ColdTi plates on our website at https://www.coldti.com Engraving a ColdTi plate is easy!…
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HowTo Store Bitcoins on Stainless Steel Dog Tags

DIY on how to store your crypto on fire-proof, metal dog-tags. stamp kit: http://amzn.to/2fSp2Th…
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But how does bitcoin actually work?

The math behind cryptocurrencies. Help fund future projects: https://www.patreon.com/3blue1brown A…
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HowTo Send a Bitcoin Transaction with JavaScript & Bitcore

http://bit.ly/bitcoincourse (full course) This will demo creating a Bitcoin address and transaction …
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Bitcoin Basics: How to Buy and Store Bitcoin

http://bit.ly/bitcoincourse How to buy bitcoin from exchanges, ATMs, and in person. Also, how to sto…
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The Essence of How Bitcoin Works (Non-Technical)

A brief intro to the main ideas behind How Bitcoin Works, including how money is transferred, who ke…
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How Bitcoin Works in 5 Minutes (Technical)

A short introduction to how Bitcoin Works. If you'd like to support the creation of additional c…
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How Bitcoin Works Under the Hood

A somewhat technical explanation of how Bitcoin works. Want more? Check out my new in-depth course o…
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  • 121 - 136 of 136 Tutorials
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