189 Podcasts

The Anita Posch Show: A Bitcoin only podcast

Interviews with the builders of Bitcoin. Empower yourself and (l)earn Bitcoin.
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Introducing Bitcoin To Zimbabwe

This episode is a recording of my appearance at “In Conversation With Trevor“. Trevor Nc…
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Using Bitcoin In Zambia | Mr. Mulos

Today I’m speaking with Mr. Mulos in Lusaka the capital of Zambia. Mr. Mulos has a YouTube cha…
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Insights from a Bitcoin Enthusiast in Africa

Today I’m speaking with Joseph a Bitcoin enthusiast from Africa. Because of his long time inte…
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Bitcoin for Fairness on Cryptovoices

This episode is a recording of the conversation I had on the Cryptovoices podcast with Matthew Mezin…
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Fedi - bringing simple, safe, and private access to Bitcoin

Today I’m speaking with Obi Nwosu and Pete Winn from Fedi, a new company that is building a co…
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Advocating for Human Rights through Bitcoin - Anita Posch

This episode is a recording of the conversation I had on the Cryptopulse podcast with Kevin and Ben …
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Blueberries for Bitcoin in Zimbabwe | Dr. Edwin Moyo

My guest is Dr. Edwin Moyo, Chairman of Nhimbe Fresh one of Africa’s premier exporters of blueberrie…
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Bitcoin Is BOOMING In South Africa | Ricki Allardice

My guest is Ricki Allardice, co-founder of Bitvice a South African bitcoin broker in Cape Town. A fo…
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First Bitcoin Miner in Zimbabwe

My guest is the first person to mine Bitcoin in Zimbabwe with ASIC machines powered by solar. Zimbab…
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Bitcoin Privacy: Human Rights & Coinjoins with Sparrow | Craig Raw

My guest is Craig Raw founder and developer of Sparrow a Bitcoin desktop wallet with a focus on mult…
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Unleashing Bitcoin's Full Potential | Carel van Wyk

My guest is Carel van Wyk a Bitcoin pioneer from South Africa. He found out about Bitcoin in 2010 an…
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  • 1 - 24 of 189 The Anita Posch Show: A Bitcoin only podcast
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