45 Podcasts

Ministry of Nodes

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UNB22 - 06 - Sparrow

In this video, we take a deeper look into at Sparrow Wallet, a desktop wallet that can be used as a …
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UNB22 - 04 - Bitcoin Core

In this video, we will go through downloading, verifying, installing, configuring and running of Bit…
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UNB22 - 16 - More Lightning Network Fun

In this video, I discuss other software that you may be interested in such as LNBits and Sphinx Chat…
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UNB22 - 15 - ThunderHub

ThunderHub is a web interface for your LND node. We learn to install and configure this as alternati…
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UNB22 - 13 - LiT, Loop & Boltz

In this video, we install ways to manage our lightning channels. We install Lightning Terminal (LiT)…
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UNB22 - 14 - Zeus Wallet

Think of Zeus Wallet as a remote control for your Lightning Network Node, using your phone. We insta…
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UNB22 - 12 - Ride The Lightning

In this video we install nodejs and install Ride the Lightning (RTL) which connects to LND to produc…
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UNB22 - 11 - Lightning Network Daemon (LND)

In this video, I take you through LND. We install and configure the node.
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UNB22 - 10 - Make your BTCPayServer public

In this video, I describe one way to expose your BTCPayServer out to the world wide web, using Cloud…
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UNB22 - 09 - BTCPayServer

In this video, we setup and install BTCPayServer so you can get paid in bitcoin for your goods and s…
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UNB22 - 08 - Samourai Wallet

In this video, we go through the Samourai Wallet stack - including Dojo and Whirlpool.
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UNB22 - 07 - Mempool.space

In this video, we install docker and our own private block explorer called mempool.space. I give you…
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UNB22 - 05 - Fulcrum Server

In this video, we learn to download and install a performant Electrum Server called Fulcrum. Comman…
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UNB22 - 03 - Ubuntu Familiarisation

In this video, I go through some of the basic command line skills you will need to understand in ord…
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UNB22 - 02 - Planning Preparation and Installation of Ubuntu

In this video we talk through some basic home networking concepts, understand basic hardware require…
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UNB22 - 01 - Overview

In this video, I go through an overview of the Ubuntu Node Box Guide for 2022. I'll explain what you…
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Node Box Guide 05 - Bitcoin

In this video, I go through the installation, configuration and setup of bitcoin on your computer. I…
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Node Box Guide 12 - ZeroTier

In this video, we set up ZeroTier, an easy way to get remote access to all your newly installed Bitc…
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Node Box Guide 11 - BTCPayServer

In this video, I go through the installation of BTCPayServer, a software that allows you to earn bit…
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Node Box Guide 10 - Samourai Wallet, Dojo & Whirlpool

In this video, we go through the Samourai Wallet 'stack'. We install and configure out Dojo, hook it…
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Node Box Guide 09 - BTC RPC Explorer

In this video, I take you through the setup of btc-rpc-explorer which enables to you to get more inf…
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Node Box Guide 08 - Electrum Wallet

In this video, I walk through the installation and setup of Electrum Wallet. We configure it to conn…
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Node Box Guide 07 - Electrum Rust Server

In this video, we go through the installation and configuration of Electrum Rust Server, the backend…
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Node Box Guide 06 - Specter Desktop

In this video, I walk through how to install and configure Specter Desktop. I show how others on you…
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  • 1 - 24 of 45 Ministry of Nodes
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