139 Podcasts

Citizen Bitcoin

Podcasting the dawn of the Bitcoin Renaissance.
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Tomer Strolight: Don't Tell Me There Are No Heroes in Bitcoin - E122

Tomer Strolight is a long time bitcoiner who has recently started writing prolifically about the ins…
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Tomer Strolight: Don't Tell Me There Are No Heroes in Bitcoin - E122

Tomer Strolight is a long time bitcoiner who has recently started writing prolifically about the ins…
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William Clemente III: Data-Backed Bullishness - E121

Will Clemente just finished his Sophmore year as a finance major. Since he dove down the rabbit hole…
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Rodolfo Novak: Keeping Bitcoin Time - E120

Rodolfo Novak, is founder of Coinkite, of the longest running Bitcoin-only companies in the world an…
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Alex Adelman: Eternal Entrepreneur - E119

Alex Adelman, founder of Lolli, joins me to talk about entrepreneurship, building on bitcoin, lightn…
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Lamar Wilson: Black Bitcoin Billionaire - E118

Lamar Wilson is a long time bitcoiner, software developer and entrepreneur. He cofounded the Black B…
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Camila and Thevin Campton: Starting a Bitcoin Family - E117

Camila and Thvevin's are newlywed Bitcoiners. Thevin has been falling down the rabbit hole for almos…
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Pablo Fernandez: Bitcoin Black Swans - E116

Pablo Fernandez is a long time bitcoiner and software engineer. He recently joined the Swan engineer…
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Bernard Parah: Bitcoin for Africa - E115

Bernard Parah is the founder and CEO of Bitnob, the easiest way to stack sats in Nigeria, and eventu…
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Tom (@cannonscall): What a Year - E114

My friend Tom (@cannonscall on Twitter) joins me to talk about starting this podcast together, this …
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Ansel Lindner: Bitcoin 2020 - E113

Ansel Lindner is a long time bitcoiner and host of one of the longest running Bitcoin podcasts, Bitc…
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Dr. Noah Kaufman: Ninja Doctor Bitcoiner - E112

Dr. Noah Kaufman is an ER doc, serial entrepreneur, avid rock climber, former American Ninja Warrior…
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Brandon Quittem: It's a Strange Time to Be a Human - E111

As most of you know Brandon Quittem is one of my best Bitcoiner friends - I just love to sit down to…
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Brandon Quittem: It's a Strange Time to Be a Human - E111

As most of you know Brandon Quittem is one of my best Bitcoiner friends - I just love to sit down to…
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Meni Rosenfeld: A Mathematician's Look at Bitcoin - E110

Meni Rosenfeld is a mathematician and on the board of the isreali bitcoin association. Meni has been…
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Meni Rosenfeld: A Mathematician's Look at Bitcoin - E110

Meni Rosenfeld is a mathematician and on the board of the isreali bitcoin association. Meni has been…
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Jesse Berger: Magic Internet Money - E109

Jesse Berger quit his career in banking and finance to find something, anything to do in Bitcoin. Th…
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Preston Pysh: Bullish on Bitcoin - E108

Preston Pysh, cofounder of The Investors Podcast Network, host of We Study Billionaires and a long t…
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Danny Diekroeger: From Baseball to Bitcoin - E107

Danny Diekroger is a software engineer at CashApp and Bitgo before that. He has been writing some gr…
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Brandon Quittem and Brekkie von Bitcoin: History in the Making

Brandon, author of the Bitcoin Mycelium series and Communications Lead at Swan Bitcoin and Brekkie v…
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Ali Hamam: Putting His Company on a Bitcoin Standard

Ali Hamam is proprietor of Tahinis Restaurants in Ontario, Canada. Ali's family hails from Egypt. Mu…
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Max Hillebrand: The Bitcoin Nomad - E104

Max Hillebrand is true bitcoiner. He’s practices what he preaches. Max is living the digital nomad l…
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Max Keiser: Hacking the Global Unconscious - E103

Max Keiser is a true Bitcoin OG, having been in the Bitcoin space since it cost $1 and reporting on …
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Stacy Herbert: The Dawn of the Bitcoin Renaissance - E102

Stacy Herbert is a well loved Bitcoiner - of course she coshosts Keiser Report with her partner Max …
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  • 1 - 24 of 139 Citizen Bitcoin
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