607 Podcasts

Bitcoin Design Community

We post videos from the various calls our community organizes, from design reviews and community calls, and more.
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Bitcoin Core App Design Call #72

Thanks to all who joined. What we discussed: - We got a dev update from Johnny - How to install and…
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Bitcoin Design Guide Jam Session #59: WalletScrutiny, multiple wallets & recovery key sets

We quickly looked at the new WalletScrutiny case study (https://bitcoin.design/guide/case-studies/wa…
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UX Research call #31 Bitcoin Core

This UX research call had a focus on the research done on Bitcoin Core. During the call we discussed…
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Bitcoin Design Guide Reading Session: Multi-wallet reference design PR #2

This is the second PR review session for the new multi-wallet reference design. We had the first one…
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Bitcoin Design Guide Reading Session: Multi-wallet reference design PR #1

We read through the proposed reference design around how to handle multiple bitcoin wallets in the s…
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Bitcoin Design Guide Jam Session #58

We discussed the ongoing work on the guide, including the Wallet Scrutiny case study, complex spendi…
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Design Review Call: 10101 Finance

The 10101 Finance team presented their app for self-custodial P2P trading. We dug into the mechanism…
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Community Call #54: Bitcoin Design Foundation

We discussed the newly founded Bitcoin Design Foundation. Why it exists, what the goals are, how it …
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UX Research Call #30: Bitcoin Core

We discussed the current status of the Bitcoin Core research and what our next steps should be. Iss…
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Bitcoin Design Guide Jam Session #57

We went over the following guide work-in-progress and topics: - Wallet Scrutiny case study - The new…
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Bitcoin Core App Design Call #69

We got a quick dev update, Mo shared a few insights from her research, and Michael has updates for t…
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Bitcoin Design Guide Jam session 56: Code resources, multiple wallets, inheritance...

We discussed some of the ongoing issues and pull requests: - Adding a page about code resources bui…
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Bitcoin Core App Design Call #68

Jarol gave an update on what's happening in development and progress on the 1.1 polish milestone. Th…
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Bitcoin Core App Design Call #66

We discussed silent payments, design docs, and the wallet import flow. Issue: https://github.com/Bi…
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Design Review Call: Peach Wallet

During this call we jumped on a call with the Peach wallet team and discussed the wallet designs. Th…
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UX Research Call #29 : Geyser Fund

During this call we discussed and ideated on practical ways in which we can connect the insights the…
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Bitcoin Core App Design Call #65

Jarol gave an update on the conference he attended and some upcoming Bitcoin Core features to consid…
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Bitcoin Design Guide Jam Session #54

We caught up on the ongoing work on the guide, including the new page on complex spending conditions…
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UX Research Call #28 : Geyser Fund

During this call we discussed the consolidation of the research done on Geyser Fund. There were 2 re…
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Design Review Call: Etta wallet

During this call we reviewed the updated version of Etta Wallet. Etta wallet is an open source light…
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Bitcoin Core App Design Call #64: Wallet import & research

We discussed the next iteration of the Wallet Import flow by Michael and got a research update by Mo…
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UX Research Call #25 : Saving Satoshi

During this call Andrew shared with the community how he does weekly user interviews on different pa…
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UX Research Call #27 : JAM

This was a call to kick of the sprint on the research for the JAM UI. We discussed how we would conn…