32. Anarchy in Health


How would the free market have handled a respiratory illness? After a year of evidence, including my personal experience with the illness, we discuss the effectiveness of individual and public health precautions and interventions.

We examine the difference in approach through the lens of Mises' calculation problem. What economic problems face public health authorities, and what would we have done without them?

We are also re-joined by Philipp Bagus, who has just published a paper on the political economy of mass hysteria.

You can find Philipp's paper here.

Article: Why COVID-19 is more deadly in people with obesity—even if they’re young

Covid-19: Why are age and obesity risk factors for serious disease?

Obesity is the biggest factor driving New York City's coronavirus hospitalizations after age

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Saifedean's The Bitcoin Standard Podcast is the place to discuss Bitcoin and economics from the Aust…

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