148. The Fiat Standard course final lecture: Can bitcoin & fiat coexist


This episode contains most of the final lecture of The Fiat Standard online course, which just concluded, based on the last chapter of The Fiat Standard. After having studied the bitcoin and fiat monetary systems extensively in The Bitcoin Standard and The Fiat Standard, Saifedean analyzes how bitcoin can continue to rise in a fiat world. Can central banks adopt bitcoin? Will bitcoin lead to hyperinflation? Or will bitcoin be an orderly upgrade and debt jubilee, allowing us to unwind fiat painlessly as it devalues everyone's debts? Will bitcoin speculative attacks carry the day? And how do central bank digital currencies affect bitcoin's rise?

 Enjoyed this episode? You can take part in podcast seminars, access Saifedean’s courses – including his ongoing course ECO22: The Fiat Standard – and read chapters of his forthcoming book, Principles of Economics, by becoming a Saifedean.com member. Find out more here

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The Bitcoin Standard Podcast

Saifedean's The Bitcoin Standard Podcast is the place to discuss Bitcoin and economics from the Aust…

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