132. Expat Life with Mikkel Thorup


Mikkel Thorup, founder and CEO of Expat Money, joins us to make the case for becoming an expat. He discusses why people should consider moving their life offshore, which jurisdictions are most appealing and strategies listeners can pursue to mitigate tax obligations. Mikkel shares practical tips on finding quality healthcare, educating children, travelling comfortably and managing international finances. He also outlines his views on flag theory, the importance of geographical diversity in investment and the libertarian values that motivate him.


  • Saifedean’s viral tweet on "free" healthcare in Canada.
  • Website of Mikkel’s Expat International School of Freedom and Entrepreneurship.
  • Ontario Premier Doug Ford teaches people how to make cheesecake during lockdown.
  • The Habit of Thought: From Socratic Seminars to Socratic Practice by Michael Strong
  • Website of Mikkel’s Expat Money Summit taking place in November. 
  • Mikkel’s recommended charter flight service Villiers Jets.
  • Saifedean’s first book, The Bitcoin Standard.
  • Saifedean’s second book, The Fiat Standard.

Enjoyed this episode? You can take part in podcast seminars, access Saifedean’s courses – including his ongoing course ECO22: The Fiat Standard – and read chapters of his forthcoming books by becoming a Saifedean.com member. Find out more here.

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