I speak to Econoalchemist about how he found bitcoin and what has pushed him to make such comprehensive and helpful guides. We discus cold storage, multisig, self custody and the importance of no KYC.
you enjoy listening.
twitter - @econoalchemist
website - https://www.econoalchemist.com
As always please feel free to reach out and ask me any questions.
Website - https://www.bit-buy-bit.com
Twitter - @BitBuyBitPod
Email - bit-buy-bitpodcast@protonmail.com
Today you can exchange $1 for 2871 Sats (Sale ends soon.)
Thank you Coinfloor for sponsoring the show. If you haven't signed up or bought Bitcoin then click the link below for 30% off Autobuy fees for 3 months. coinfloor.co.uk/BITBUYBIT