# Generate x25519 key
$ openssl genpkey -algorithm x25519 -out /tmp/ssh.prv.pem
# Format keys into base32
$ cat /tmp/ssh.prv.pem | grep -v " PRIVATE KEY" | base64pem -d | tail --bytes=32 | base32 | sed 's/=//g' > /home/amnesia/Desktop/ssh.prv.key
$ openssl pkey -in /tmp/ssh.prv.pem -pubout | grep -v " PUBLIC KEY" | base64pem -d | tail --bytes=32 | base32 | sed 's/=//g' > /home/amnesia/Desktop/ssh.pub.key
##### 2 SERVER
# Create Authorized client file at var/lib/tor/ssh/authorized_clients/ssh.auth
# Reload tor
$ systemctl reload tor
##### 3 CLIENT - tor
# Specify path to client authentication credentials in /etc/tor/torrc
ClientOnionAuthDir /var/lib/tor/onion_auth
# Create file for the onion service at /var/lib/tor/onion_auth/ssh.auth_private
# Restart tor
$ systemctl restart tor
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