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Bitcoin Audible

The Best in Bitcoin made Audible.
Guy Swann makes the knowledge of Bitcoin, the world's most secure, independent money, accessible to everyone. Exploring Bitcoin from an investment perspective, economic analysis, its philosophical foundations, & technological primitives. Reading and distilling thousands of hours of others' works on Bitcoin, Guy explains everything you need to know.
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Read_637 - What is Money Anyway? Part 2 [Lyn Alden]

"To put it into perspective, this international monetary system based around centrally-managed fiat …
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Read_636 - What is Money Anyway? Part 1 [Lyn Alden]

"If a money (the most salable good) is easy to create more of, then any rational economic actor woul…
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Read_635 - 21 Million is Non-Negotiable [Zach_of_Earth]

"Imposing limitations on monetary goods has always required tremendous amounts of time and energy, a…
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Read_634 - The Words we Use in Bitcoin [DerGigi]

"In a world awash in euphemisms and blatant lies, calling something by its proper name is rebellious…
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Read_633 - The Utility of Saving [Pierre Rochard]

"People hold money to hedge against future uncertainty. This is why it is so crucial for a monetary …
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Guy's Take #57 - Bitcoin Domino Theory

What if, sitting in the middle of a chaotic monetary environment, increasing capital controls, balka…
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Guy's Take #57 - Bitcoin Domino Theory

What if, sitting in the middle of a chaotic monetary environment, increasing capital controls, balka…
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Guy's Take #56 - The Cascading Dominoes - Part 1

I promised, and it's finally here. It's time to get a little perspective, with the price at all time…
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Guy's Take #56 - The Cascading Dominoes - Part 1

I promised, and it's finally here. It's time to get a little perspective, with the price at all time…
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Read_632 - Can Governments Stop Bitcoin? [Alex Gladstein]

"Coding, mining, infrastructure, and markets are all independent, happening in competing jurisdictio…
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Read_631 - The ECB is Trapped, Here's Why [Lyn Alden]

"Base money is a liability of the central bank, and it’s used as a reserve asset by commercial banks…
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Read_631 - The ECB is Trapped, Here's Why [Lyn Alden]

"Base money is a liability of the central bank, and it’s used as a reserve asset by commercial banks…
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Reboot - Everyone's A Scammer [Michael Goldstein]

With the markets in chaos, with services halting withdraws, & Everyone's a Scammer" by Michael G…
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Reboot - Everyone's A Scammer [Michael Goldstein]

With the markets in chaos, with services halting withdraws, & Everyone's a Scammer" by Michael G…
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Read_630 - Cry Harder [Francis Pouliot]

"Bitcoin is a lifeboat on the sinking fiat ship. Lifeboats on a sinking ship don’t need a marketing …
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Read_629 - On Impossible Things Before Breakfast [NYDIG]

"The reverse of that process – a so-called “death spiral” – was inevitable. Any time the immeasurabl…
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Chat_69 - An Energy Revolution with Nathaniel Harmon

This episode is partly a follow up from Read_628 on reviving a promising renewable energy technology…
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Read_628 - How Bitcoin Can Unlock the Energy of the Ocean [Level39]

"A typical Bitcoin mining operation will spend considerable amounts of time, energy and money coolin…
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Read_627 - Why and How to Get a Bitcoin Job [Stephan Livera]

"Coming off the Bitcoin 2022 conference, you might feel a little down from the high of meeting and s…
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Reboot - Why the Yuppie Elite Dismiss Bitcoin [Croesus]

"When I thought about what is the defining difference between the Bitcoin maximalists and my yuppie …
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Read_626 - Digital Alchemy, A Post-Mortem of the Crypto Crash [Lyn Alden]

"Several exchanges in the industry fuel bubbles for a quick buck as well. If something starts to get…
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Read_625 - The Cascading of Interconnected Risk [Marty Bent]

"This created a ticking time bomb with a very short timer. That money was going to "work" in complet…
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Guy's Take #55 - On the Economics of CTV Batching, & Where I was Wrong

So what exactly did I get wrong in Guy's Take #54, and why? Let's dig back into the economic of CTV …
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Guy's Take #55 - On the Economics of CTV Batching, & Where I was Wrong

So what exactly did I get wrong in Guy's Take #54, and why? Let's dig back into the economic of CTV …