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Bitcoin Audible

The Best in Bitcoin made Audible.
Guy Swann makes the knowledge of Bitcoin, the world's most secure, independent money, accessible to everyone. Exploring Bitcoin from an investment perspective, economic analysis, its philosophical foundations, & technological primitives. Reading and distilling thousands of hours of others' works on Bitcoin, Guy explains everything you need to know.
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Read_653 - Finding Signal in a Noisy World [Jeff Booth]

"That misinformation in the form of money wouldn’t just create polarization. Because money connects …
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Read_652 - Setting the Record Straight [Nic Carter]

"I’m going to clear things up here because most of the people piling on were deeply confused about m…
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Read_651 - The Path to a Bitcoin Standard in Africa [Charlene Fadirepo]

"I believe Africa represents the most elegant use case for a Bitcoin standard in existence. In the p…
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Read_650 - How to Be a Bitcoin Maximalist [Pete Rizzo]

"Cryptocurrency market-isms are built on claims about the economic and computer science advances Bit…
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Read_649 - The Continual Power of Intermittent Mining [Zack Voell]

"Many aspects of the Bitcoin mining industry are poorly understood and often misrepresented. But one…
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Read_648 - Bitcoin is the Hills [Captain Sidd]

"A study of the hill tribes of Southeast Asia titled “The Art Of Not Being Governed” provided a fres…
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Read_647 - Understanding Decentralization in Bitcoin [Arman the Parman]

"The answer that matters depends on the context. The context you need to have is that cryptocurrency…
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A Look at the Lightning Network [Lyn Alden]

"I think too many people in those early years interpreted “e-cash” to mean quick-and-easy payments f…
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Chat_72 - The UnCommunist Manifesto, The Swann Brothers chatting with Mark Moss and Aleks Svetski

Tearing down the fallacies of the collective, and digging through the principles of liberty and pers…
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Read_646 - A Look at the Lightning Network - Part 3 [Lyn Alden]

"Back when the iPhone was introduced in 2007, few people thought, “wow this could really disrupt the…
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Read_645 - A Look at the Lightning Network - Part 2 [Lyn Alden]

"But more broadly, one must ask, “at what point would someone want to permanently exchange their sel…
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Read_644 - A Look at the Lightning Network - Part 1 [Lyn Alden]

"Simple “bubbles” don’t survive through several 70%+ drawdowns over a period lasting thirteen years …
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Read_643 - Bitcoin and the True Meaning of Inflation [Steven Lubka]

"Today, people use inflation to refer to two separate things, and whenever you hear someone saying i…
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BONUS - Shitcoin Insider #7 - How Many Degrees Celsius is a Lunatic? with Cory Klippsten

WE ARE BACK! Were you wondering about everything that happened in the collapse of TerraUSD, the algo…
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Guy's Take #58 - "Rent-Seeking Savers!" Misconceptions in Noahpinion's Crypto Miscon…

"I think there are some important economic errors in the stories I see people telling about crypto, …
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Guy's Take #58 - "Rent-Seeking Savers!" Misconceptions in Noahpinion's Crypto Misconceptions

"I think there are some important economic errors in the stories I see people telling about crypto, …
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Read_642 - Losing Your Keys Without Losing Your Coins [Block]

"These two jobs are almost always in tension. Any added protection to keep a bad actor out adds a ri…
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Chat_71 - Redesigning the Internet for Fun & for the Revolution, with Mathias Buus and Paolo Ardoino

Following up on the release of Keet.io and a simple to use, responsive, encrypted, & scalable P2…
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Read_641 - Bitcoiners Are Not Utopians [Aleks Svetski]

"It’s not and never was about equality or perfection. It’s about fairness and consequence. Bitcoin i…
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Chat_70 - Mashing it with Magic Internet Money, Jesse Berger & Jared Nusinoff

Orange pilling the everyday user with Mash. Combining simple, fast onboarding into the Lightning eco…
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Read_640 - Keet, P2P Encrypted Communications To Integrate Lightning [Namcios]

"Holepunch makes Hypercore more accessible by abstracting away low-level technical details of the pr…
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What is Money, Anyway? [Lyn Alden]

"If a money (the most salable good) is easy to create more of, then any rational economic actor woul…
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Read_639 - How Fedimint Scales Bitcoin Custody [Namcios]

“Fedi and Fedimint will help put monetary power back into the hands of everyone, everywhere,” said F…
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Read_638 - What is Money Anyway? Part 3 [Lyn Alden]

"Like any powerful technology, bitcoin can be used for good or ill. As proponents of the technology …