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Bitcoin Audible

The Best in Bitcoin made Audible.
Guy Swann makes the knowledge of Bitcoin, the world's most secure, independent money, accessible to everyone. Exploring Bitcoin from an investment perspective, economic analysis, its philosophical foundations, & technological primitives. Reading and distilling thousands of hours of others' works on Bitcoin, Guy explains everything you need to know.
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Read_609 - The Invisible Cost of War - Part 1 [Alex Gladstein]

"As detailed in Saifedean Ammous’s “The Fiat Standard,” in November 1914 the British government “iss…
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Read_608 - Want to Stick it to the Elites? Use Bitcoin [Avik Roy]

"Aspiring Republican politicians and conservative opinionators love talking in darkened tones about …
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Read_607 - Implications of Outlawing Bitcoin [Dergigi]

"If having 12 words in your head is illegal, something is terribly wrong with the law. If the police…
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Read_606 - Lightning is a Liquidity Network [Roy Sheinfeld]

"Only liquid, flowing capital generates a return. Unlike a bank account, capital on Lightning is pro…
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Read_605 - Bitcoin Behind the Veil [Craig Warmke]

"People tend to favor proposals that would benefit themselves and reject proposals that, at their ow…
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Read_604 - I Was Wrong, We Need Crypto [David Hansson]

"Now what's that saying again. Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean they aren't after you. It's…
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Read_603 - If Russia Invites Bitcoin Adoption, The Global Arms Race Begins [Mike Hobart]

"The U.S. and its allies are now effectively backed into a series of corners. Can the U.S. attempt t…
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Read_602 - Bitcoin's Peaceful Revolution, A New Hope for Humanity [Peter St Onge]

"By taking away their printing presses, Bitcoin stops the creeping totalitarianism that weaponizes o…
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Read_602 - Bitcoin's Peaceful Revolution, A New Hope for Humanity [Peter St Onge]

"By taking away their printing presses, Bitcoin stops the creeping totalitarianism that weaponizes o…
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Read_601 - Bitcoin First [Fidelity]

“Bitcoin as a superior monetary good is more valuable than a better payment network . This leads us …
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Read_600 - The Separation of Money and State [Allen Farrington]

"That is not to say that Bitcoin will lead us to a pacifist utopia in which any attempt at violence …
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Chat #67 - Pioneer Species with Brandon Quittem

Today we have an incredible chat as a followup to the recent piece Read_596 - Bitcoin is a Pioneer S…
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Read_599 - Why Every Fixed Income Investor Should Consider Bitcoin - Part 3 & 4 [Greg Foss]

“And finally, given its asymmetric return distribution I believe It is more risky to have zero expos…
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Read_598 - Why Every Fixed Income Investor Should Consider Bitcoin - Part 1 & 2 [Greg Foss]

“General Motors, Ford, AT&T and GE have cumulative debt that is larger than the entire HY market…
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Guy's Take #51 - AOPP & the Travel Rule

With Twitter up in arms about a potentially invasive privacy measure and compliance for an invasive …
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Guy's Take #51 - AOPP & the Travel Rule

With Twitter up in arms about a potentially invasive privacy measure and compliance for an invasive …
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Read_597 - The 7th Property Ch1 - The Dimensions of Money [Eric Yakes]

"What is money? Why is it used? Which type of money is best? And why?" - Eric YakesToday we are divi…
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Read_596 - Bitcoin is a Pioneer Species [Brandon Quittem]

“This makes Bitcoin miners uniquely symbiotic with energy grids serving as “demand response” partner…
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Read_595 - Money Messiah: Part 2 [John Vallis]

"Money, in the ideal (which we’ll likely always only ever strive for, and not achieve), turns a port…
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Read_594 - Money Messiah: Part 1 [John Vallis]

“Sacrifice is thus a critical component of value, as it is the use of one’s own limited resources, a…
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Read_593 - Bitcoin Heading to $30k? [Nik Bhatia]

"This confluence of Fed hikes and investor naivety “presents the setup for a severe washout” as the …
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Read_592 - First Impressions of Web3 [Moxie Marlinspike]

“The people at the end of the line who are flipping NFTs do not fundamentally care about distributed…
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Chat #66 - Will the Real Web3 Please Stand Up, with John Carvalho

"Our goal is basically to realize this concept we have created called the atomic economy. This is ju…
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Guy's Take #50 - Lightning and the Web

In a follow up to the State of Lightning Report from Arcane Research and OpenNode, we dive into the …