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Bitcoin Audible

The Best in Bitcoin made Audible.
Guy Swann makes the knowledge of Bitcoin, the world's most secure, independent money, accessible to everyone. Exploring Bitcoin from an investment perspective, economic analysis, its philosophical foundations, & technological primitives. Reading and distilling thousands of hours of others' works on Bitcoin, Guy explains everything you need to know.
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Read_667 - The Final Bubble is Bursting [Myrmikan Research]

"One might ask: if much of the U.K. pension money was about to vanish, where was it going? Partly to…
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Reboot - Wittgenstein's Money [Allen Farrington]

"Imagine if all respectable business knowledge had been derived from studying large, established com…
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Reboot - Wittgenstein's Money [Allen Farrington]

"Imagine if all respectable business knowledge had been derived from studying large, established com…
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Read_666 - Debunking the ESG Attacks on Bitcoin [Spencer Nichols]

"While Bitcoin does not litigate the ethics of hydrocarbon production, it is not controversial to po…
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Read_665 - The Nature of Man, Proclaim Your Bitcoin Part 1 [Simply Bitcoin]

"to survive and prosper in this world, man can either make the things he needs and wants, or he can …
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Read_664 - Bitcoin Astronomy, The Third Law - Part 2 [Dhruv Bansal]

"But if technological civilizations are more common, then we must resolve the Fermi Paradox in a dif…
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Read_663 - Bitcoin Astronomy, The Third Law - Part 1 [Dhruv Bansal]

"Astrobiologists increasingly believe that conditions are frequently right for life. Hydrogen, oxyge…
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Guy's Take #60 - Digital Money

Today we explore a highly earned Guy's Take for Dergigi's "Bitcoin is Digital Scarcity" as well as u…
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Guy's Take #60 - Digital Money

Today we explore a highly earned Guy's Take for Dergigi's "Bitcoin is Digital Scarcity" as well as u…
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Read_662 - Wrestling With the Truth [Allen Farrington & Sacha Meyers]

"The power of prices is the process of dynamic discovery that underpins their emergence, not the fle…
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Read_661 - Five Examples of Bitcoin's Real World Utility [Trent Dudenhoeffer]

"Today, it’s a trucker protest. What if it’s a women’s rights protest next? A protest against abuses…
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Read_661 - Five Examples of Bitcoin's Real World Utility [Trent Dudenhoeffer]

"Today, it’s a trucker protest. What if it’s a women’s rights protest next? A protest against abuses…
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Chat_73 - WTF is Happening in 2022? With Greg Foss, Clint Russell, & Guy Swann

We dive into the chaotic world of 2022 with the insanity of the financial markets, the bond markets …
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Read_660 - Bitcoin is Digital Scarcity [Dergigi]

"The difference between the Linden Dollar, World of Warcraft Gold, Fortnite V-Bucks, the Euro, and t…
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Read_659 - Adoption & Digital Freedom Will Happen Through Lightning [Paolo Ardoino]

"Lighting Network adoption is scaling Bitcoin around the world. And it will be key to protecting our…
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Read_658 - Bitcoin Will Replace SWIFT Before VISA [Shinobi]

"Bitcoin is ripe for a massive disruption of systems like SWIFT, and at the rate the world is becomi…
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Read_657 - Price Deflation & The Horrors of Falling TV Prices [Kyle Ward]

"Given two competing views of the world, the state will always promote the one that increases its po…
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Read_656 - No, We Are Not Going to "Tokenize Everything" [Niko Jilch]

"The whole tokenize-everything-thing so far is one fast hype train. It is exciting not for the techn…
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Read_656 - No, We Are Not Going to "Tokenize Everything" [Niko Jilch]

"The whole tokenize-everything-thing so far is one fast hype train. It is exciting not for the techn…
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Read_655 - The Legendary Treasure of Satoshi Nakamoto [Tomer Strolight]

"Everyone loves a good origin story. Some are true, some made-up, and some a mix of the two.The true…
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Guy's Take #59 - We're Not Going Anywhere

"Bitcoin is not merely a network, it's a foundation for an anti-authoritarian political movement in …
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Guy's Take #59 - We're Not Going Anywhere

"Bitcoin is not merely a network, it's a foundation for an anti-authoritarian political movement in …
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Read_654 - A Bitcoiner's Guide to Proof of Stake [Scott Sullivan]

"This brings us to our fourth principle behind PoS, which is that **PoS relies on subjective truth**…
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Read_654 - A Bitcoiner's Guide to Proof of Stake [Scott Sullivan]

"This brings us to our fourth principle behind PoS, which is that **PoS relies on subjective truth**…