
Kanye says GOODBYE to JP Morgan

Bitcoin Magazine LIVE #182

1) News and Note with Q, P, and Chris
2) Interview with Charles Edwards

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"All views expressed by hosts, guests, and interviewees of "Bitcoin Magazine Live" are opinion only and do not reflect the views of Bitcoin Magazine, its ownership, management, any of their associated or affiliated entities, or their inhouse or third party service providers and platforms. This program is informational only, and its content does not contain or construe any offers to buy, sell, or hold any bitcoin, other cryptocurrency, or any securities or other financial instruments in the United States or any other jurisdiction in which such solicitation or offer would be unlawful. Nor does this show's programming constitute any kind of legal, tax, investment, financial, or other advice. Individuals who appear on "Bitcoin Magazine Live" are not deemed investment advisors and their performances in the past are not indicative of future results. Nor are staff or management of "Bitcoin Magazine Live," its publishers and affiliated companies in the business of providing advice, financial or otherwise. All investment carries risk and you should do your own due diligence before investing."

00:00:00 Intro
00:02:00 Q Recap of Bitcoin Amsterdam
00:05:10 Kanye West and JP Morgan
00:08:00 US Treasury has asked major banks whether it should buy back some US government bonds in order to improve market liquidity
00:09:49 To put things in perspective: Average inflation in the world has jumped 10.2% the first double-digit increase since statistics began being recorded
00:12:24 SEC Chairman says CFTC should get more power to oversee stablecoins
00:14:47 Binance launches $500M lending pool for Bitcoin miners
00:16:50 Our first experimental release of SeedSigner OS is out!
00:20:45 Excited on the prospect of using Nostr for end to end encryption comms to your node instead of relying on Tor
00:23:23 Policy makers should re-examine risks posed by exchanged traded funds during periods of stress, the IMF says, even though the vehicles are less concerning than their open-ended mutual funds counterparts.
00:28:30 Lagarde saying that either central banks enter the area of cryptocurrencies or they will lose their central role and we will return to the free banking of the 19th century
00:30:10 Are central banks' narrative overly optimistic?
00:27:45 Charles Edwards Interview
00:40:00 How long have you been doing quantitative analysis
00:40:47 What is the hash ribbon?
00:43:30 What does the hash ribbon metric mean?
00:46:54 How much are you paying attention to miners?
00:48:00 Have all the models been killed?
00:51:47 Is everyone just beholden to Central Banks and Jerome Powell to pump liquidity? What will the future of the market look like?
00:54:20 Will Jerome Powell pivot?
00:58:13 Can the Bitcoin price go lower?
00:59:30 How much creedence do you give to the Dollar Milkshake Theory
01:02:00 Why do you bother with shitcoins?
01:04:50 Can Ethereum do better?
01:06:30 Bitcoin is the hardest money but crypto can be valuable
01:08:30 How do you calculate BTC inflation rate?
01:12:52 Most interesting aspects of bitcoin
01:16:00 How much are you comparing your gains in dollars vs bitcoin
01:20:00 How concerned are you about ETFs vs CBDCs
01:26:00 Closing remarks
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