
Bitcoin Lightning Network: How it Actually Works

How the lightning 2nd layer enables fast and cheap Bitcoin transactions, including demos, payment channels, multi-hop payments, and challenges.

Want to easily integrate Bitcoin & Lightning into your games? Check out https://zebedee.io/ (video sponsor).
Get the https://ZBD.gg wallet to easily add a tip to your twitch stream.
Participate in tournaments for real money: https://mintgox.com/

Bitcoin Lightning Protocol Deep Dive (protocol and script line-by-line walkthrough): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=to8XItlplac

How Bitcoin Works Under the Hood: https://youtu.be/Lx9zgZCMqXE

bitcoin/lightning donation address: https://zbd.gg/scottyd
fiat support: https://www.patreon.com/CuriousInventor

0:00 Intro
0:28 Demonstration Sending Bitcoin via Lightning
0:44 Earning Bitcoin in eSports with Zebedee integration
1:46 Bar Tab Analogy
4:45 Payment Channel Setup & Operation
6:44 Protecting Initial Deposit
7:20 Invalidating Prior States
10:51 Individual Revocation Logic
12:15 Payment Channel Review
13:14 Multi-hop Payments & HTLCs (Hash Time Locked Contracts)
17:28 Privacy & Onion Routing
17:54 Conclusion and Challenges
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