83. Bitcoin Maximalism, Altcoins and Satoshi with Pete Rizzo | The Bitcoin Standard Podcast

In this episode Saifedean talks to bitcoin journalist Pete Rizzo about bitcoin maximalism, altcoins and Satoshi. They discuss objectivity in journalism, what constitutes a “neutral” stance on altcoins for journalists, and how bitcoin differentiates itself from other cryptocurrencies through its high degree of decentralization. They also discuss the role that Satoshi and his disappearance had in shaping today’s bitcoin, and whether Satoshi was motivated by studying Austrian economics. They also discuss the late Mircea Popescu’s underrated role in articulating and demonstrating bitcoin’s immutability, resistance to capture, and sovereignty. In the Q&A session, Pete answers questions about potential attack vectors for bitcoin and explains his views on the likelihood of hyperbitcoinization.

Be sure to pre-order your copy of "The Fiat Standard" now to receive it straight from the presses. Preorder prices are available for only one more week, before we move to general pricing! Preordering will give you access to read the final manuscript now!
Preorder here: https://saifedean.com/tfs-btc/
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The Bitcoin Standard Podcast

Saifedean's The Bitcoin Standard Podcast is the place to discuss Bitcoin and economics from the Aust…

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