
Uber State Machine with Uday Kiran Medisetty


 If you’re working on a proof of concept which you hope will help you raise funding, it’s fine to take a few shortcuts. Use the tech stack you know the best, don’t fall in love with your code, and when you start to experience growing pains, hopefully you’ll have the time to thoughtfully and carefully identify the bottlenecks and limits of your tech stack applied to the specific industry problem you are solving. Another great strategy is to simply copy the tech stack of a larger company with the confidence that what works for a bigger company will likely work for you.

But if you’re a company like Uber, there’s no larger company to copy.  Worse still in comparison to most businesses, even a few minutes of downtime is pretty damaging for Uber.  To successfully deliver a solution like theirs, one must identify bottlenecks and growing pains in advance, find solutions, and deliver the plan in a way that’s invisible to customers.  In this episode, I speak with Uday Kiran Medisetty, principal engineer at uber about steps taken in their core state machine design.

The post Uber State Machine with Uday Kiran Medisetty appeared first on Software Engineering Daily.

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