
There is no excuse to say no to a Lightning payment | HAKUNA

Connect The World EP016 | Hakuna | Noderunner | Germany

"Edward and Stef talk with Hakuna, an IT specialist and node operator from Germany who is running a very successful routing node!

Hakuna tells us about the journey he made with his lightning node HODLmeTight. For example, switching from his Raspberry to a NUC, which more than doubled routing and changed the HTLC response time from 1.9 seconds to 0.1!

Running a Lightning Node is an ongoing process of studying data and making your Node more attractive for payment routes, which will eventually lead to more growth! But don't forget to always be patient and ask for help!

So if you want to know more about what it takes to run a routing node and about LND Hybrid mode for better stability and higher speed, then tune in to this episode!" - Jonī Kyasshu

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