
Carolina Reapers

Capsicum chinense

10,890 € 10,00 Shipping 5,445 € 5,00

Bummer. This product is out of stock.

To support our fren @hodlonaut in his fight against fAkToshi we donate all the sales of these extremely spicy dried Carolina Reapers to defendingbtc.com.

Noderunner Rating


out of 0 votes.
Availability: Not in Stock
Shipping: 5,445 € 5,00
Categories: Heat for Hodlonaut
Scoville Units: 2,100,000
Color: 2,100,000

Starting September 12th, in Oslo, Norway - hodlonaut will take the stand to defend his allegations that Craig Wright is not Satoshi. The community is coming together to support hodlonaut and we are announcing a fundraiser to both raise donations but also to grow awareness and supply accurate information in the media narrative surrounding this case.

Please visit defendingbtc.com for more info.

Donation page: https://opensats.org/projects/opensats_legal_defense


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