131 Podcasts

Blue Collar Bitcoin Podcast

Average joe Firefighter/Paramedics explore the most important monetary technology of the 21st century—Bitcoin.
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BCB053_MAGDALENA GRONOWKSA: Bitcoin and Renewable Energy

Mags joins Josh and Dan for an interesting take on renewable energy, and how Bitcoin is improving th…
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BCB053_MAGDALENA GRONOWSKA: Bitcoin and Renewable Energy

Mags joins Josh and Dan for an interesting take on renewable energy, and how Bitcoin is improving th…
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BCB053_MAGS GRONOWSKA: Bitcoin and Renewable Energy

Mags joins Josh and Dan for an interesting take on renewable energy, and how Bitcoin is improving th…
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BCB052_Businesses Running on BTC w/ Ali (Tahinis) & Kevin (All Our Parking Lots)

Entrepreneurs Ali from Tahinis Restaurants & Kevin from All Out Parking Lots join Josh & Dan for a d…
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BCB051_JOE CARLASARE: The Bond Market Vasectomy

Josh & Dan rip with the ever knowledgable Joe Carlasare.  Lawyer by day, credit market expert by nig…
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BCB050_Economic Breaking Point (Amateur Investors Pod Meets BCB)

Josh & Dan engage in a rambunctious macroeconomic & Bitcoin discussion with Chris Alaimo of the Amat…
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BCB049_MAURICIO & MARIO (LEDN): The Future of Financial Services

Maricio Di Bartolomeo & Mario Gibney from Ledn join Josh & Dan to discuss Bitcoin lending & borrowin…
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BCB-Redux Croesus: Once in a Civilization

This was our favorite conversation from 2021, we wanted to share it again.  We feel this episode enc…
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BCB-Redux_Croesus: Once in a Civilization

This was our favorite conversation from 2021, we wanted to share it again.  We feel this episode enc…
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BCB047_NVK: CypherPunk Skunkworks

NVK is the CEO and Co-Founder of Coinkite.  He has been in and around the Bitcoin ecosystem for over…
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BCB046_ANTHONY POMPLIANO: Middle Class, Mustaches & Monetary Policy

Anthony Pompliano, along with his brothers Joe & John, join Josh & Dan for a rowdy discussion on the…
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BCB045_DOCTOR JEFF ROSS: Treating Septic Markets

Dr. Jeff Ross stops in to talk about his current perspective on markets. Dr. Ross has a different pe…
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BCB045_DR. JEFF ROSS: Treating Septic Markets

Dr. Jeff Ross stops in to talk about his current perspective on markets. Dr. Ross has a different pe…
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.BCB045_DR. JEFF ROSS: Treating Septic Markets

Dr. Jeff Ross stops in to talk about his current perspective on markets. Dr. Ross has a different pe…
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BCB044_MIKE ALFRED: Institutional Grade HODLING

Value oriented investor & tech entrepreneur Mike Alfred sits down with Josh & Dan to cover: Investi…
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BCB044_MIKE ALFRED: Investment Grade HODLING

Value oriented investor & tech entrepreneur Mike Alfred sits down with Josh & Dan to cover: Investi…
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BCB043_NIK BHATIA: Money of Enemies

Nik Bhatia is the author of the book Layered Money Nik is incredibly knowledgable in the realms of …
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BCB042_ANDY EDSTROM: Bitcoin Risks & Bullish Riffs

Former Wall Streeter & current author, investor and advisor Andy Edstrom joins Josh and Dan to discu…
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BCB041_John Vallis: Bitcoin Money Messiah

John Vallis from Bitcoin Rapid Fire joins Josh and Dan.  This discussion is wide ranging and focuses…
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BTC040_PRESTON PYSH & GREG FOSS, Part 2: Disaster Insurance (A Bitcoin Hedge in Pensions & All Portf…

Part 2 of Josh & Dan's conversation with two titans in the Bitcoin space: Preston Pysh and Greg Foss…
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BCB039_PRESTON PYSH & GREG FOSS, Part 1: Macroecon Armageddon

This is a very special episode!  We had a long form discussion with Preston Pysh and Greg Foss about…
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BCB038_CORY KLIPPSTEN: Eyes on the Only Crypto Prize

Cory Klippsten, Founder & CEO of Swan Bitcoin, stops by the BCB Podcast to shoot the breeze with Jos…
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BCB037_@NVK: Weapons Grade BTC Security

Shady Super Coder, @NVK joins BCB to talk about security, signing devices, and just generally shoot …
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BCB036_LARRY LEPARD: Sound Money Takeover

Well-known tech & sound money investor Larry Lepard joins Josh & Dan to chat Bitcoin, gold and the f…
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  • 73 - 96 of 131 Blue Collar Bitcoin Podcast
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