131 Podcasts

Blue Collar Bitcoin Podcast

Average joe Firefighter/Paramedics explore the most important monetary technology of the 21st century—Bitcoin.
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BCB075_MORGAN ROCHARD: Bitcoin Financial Planning

CFA, CFP & Bitcoiner Morgen Rochard of Origin Wealth Advisors sits down with Dan & Josh to discuss t…
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BCB075_MORGEN ROCHARD: Bitcoin Financial Planning

CFA, CFP & Bitcoiner Morgen Rochard of Origin Wealth Advisors sits down with Dan & Josh to discuss t…
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BCB074_MAURICIO DI BARTOLOMEO: Building Financial Inclusion

Mauricio Di Bartolomeo Co-Founder and CSO of Ledn drops by BCB to chat with Josh & Dan. This Episode…
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BCB073_Bitcoin UTXO Tech w/Tom Honzik of Unchained Capital

Tom Honzik of Unchained Capital drops by BCB to chat with Josh & Dan regarding Bitcoin UTXOs and oth…
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BCB072_JEFF BOOTH: Monetary Transition

Jeff Booth sits down with Dan & Josh to discuss exponential technological progress, the state of tod…
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BCB071_LUKE GROMEN: You Can’t Print Energy

Luke Gromen of The Forest for the Trees joins Josh & Dan talk macroeconomics, energy, and the FED's …
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BCB070_JUSTINE HARPER: Inheritance Planning & BTC Custody

Justine Harper of Unchained Capital joins Josh & Dan to unpack Bitcoin custody best practices, inclu…
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BCB069_JOE BROWN: Hyperinflation or Deflationary Bust?

Joe Brown of Heresy Financial is our guest on today's show. Joe has an incredible ability to breakdo…
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BCB068_NATALIE BRUNELL: Bitcoin Doesn’t Care About You

The extremely articulate Natalie Brunell drops by BCB for the 2nd time. Natalie, Josh & Dan cover to…
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BCB067_BITCOIN & THE MIDDLE CLASS: A Discussion w/ Bitcoin Magazine

Dan & Josh sit down with Bitcoin Magazine (Chris Alaimo and Q) to chat about a 3 part series they've…
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BCB066_Jason Sasone: Traumatic Surgery On The Broken Financial System

Jason Sasone is an Orthopedic Surgeon, Bitcoin educator and proponent.  Jason is supremely relatable…
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BCB066_Jason Sansone: Traumatic Surgery On The Broken Financial System

Jason Sansone is an Orthopedic Surgeon, Bitcoin educator and proponent.  Jason is supremely relatabl…
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BCB065_GIGI: Reinventing Time Itself (Part 2, Post Piss)

Prolific Bitcoin writer, thinker, and software engineer Gigi joins Josh & Dan for a 2 part, mind bog…
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BCB064_GIGI: A 100x Improvement In Money (Part 1, Pre-Piss)

Prolific Bitcoin writer, thinker, and software engineer Gigi joins Josh & Dan for a 2 part, mind bog…
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BCB063_JAMES LAVISH: The Bitcoin Sleeping Giant

CFA, former hedge fund manager, and macro master James Lavish joins Josh & Dan to chat about the cur…
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BCB062_SEEDSIGNER: Bitcoin’s Blue Canary

This week Dan & Josh speak with SeedSigner, the proprietor of the famed SeedSigner device of the sam…
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BCB061_HARRY SUDOCK: Bitcoin is an Energy Honeypot

This week Dan & Josh speak with Harry Sudock, Vice President of Strategy at GRIID. This was a killer…
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BCB060_WHIT GIBBS: Weathering BTC Bear Markets & The Decentralization of Mining

This week Josh & Dan speak with Whit Gibbs, founder and CEO of Compass Mining, about Bitcoin bear ma…
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BCB059_Bitcoin Explained In 45 Minutes

This episode is different than our usual weekly dialogue; it's a monologue that’s intended to explai…
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BCB058_PETE RIZZO: Bitcoin’s Imperfections

In this episode Dan and Josh speak with Pete Rizzo, we dive into a myriad of topics.  Pete brings a …
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BCB057_GREG FOSS & DAZBEA: Looking Glass Education

In this episode Dan and Josh speak with Greg Foss and Dazbea about Looking Glass Education.  We were…
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BCB056_RYAN DEEDY: Ignore Bitcoin At Your Own Risk

The extremely bright CFA, equity analyst, and investor Ryan Deedy joins Josh & Dan to discuss the ma…
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BCB055_LYN ALDEN: Uncertainty and Peril in Markets

Lyn Alden joins from Josh and Dan to discuss Markets and Bitcoin during this tumultuous period. Bond…
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BCB054_PETER McCORMACK: Challenging Your Ideology

Peter McCormack, host of the What Bitcoin Did Podcast, joins Dan & Josh for a fun filled dialogue co…
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  • 49 - 72 of 131 Blue Collar Bitcoin Podcast
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