136 Tutorials

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Run your own Bitcoin Node! It's not hard just do it!

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Umbrel Setup | Raspberry Pi Bitcoin & Lightning Node

Umbrel lets you run a Bitcoin and Lighting node on the Raspberry Pi 4. It is easy to setup, and come…
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Follow along as I build a Bitcoin Node in under 3 minutes! __________________________ FOLLOW ME …
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How to Rebalance Lightning Channels in RTL

Demonstration of rebalancing lightning channels within RTL (Ride the Lightning). If you'd li…
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Wat is een Bitcoin Wallet? | Nodezaak #7 | Satoshi Radio

Van harte welkom in de Nodezaak van Satoshi Radio! Dit is de plek waar je alles kan vinden over Bitc…
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Tips & tricks voor je Umbrel Node | Nodezaak #6 | Satoshi Radio

!!!Let op!!!! Op 07:22 zeg ik dat het command dat je moet gebruiken om het standaardwachtwoord te ve…
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Bitcoin erklärt - Anwendungsmöglichkeiten der Blockchain nach dem Hype

Wie funktioniert die Kryptowährung Bitcoin und welche Anwendungsmöglichkeiten für die Blockchain dar…
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Je eigen Payment Channel openen met Umbrel | Nodezaak #5 | Satoshi Radio

Van harte welkom in de Nodezaak van Satoshi Radio! Dit is de plek waar je alles kan vinden over Bitc…
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Wat is het Lightning Network? | Nodezaak #4 | Satoshi Radio

Dat Lightning Netwerk, wat is dat nu eigenlijk? Bart vind het in ieder geval prachtig. In deze video…
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Waarom je een Full Bitcoin Node moet hebben | Nodezaak #3 | Satoshi Radio

Van harte welkom in de Nodezaak van Satoshi Radio! Dit is de plek waar je alles kan vinden over Bitc…
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Een Bitcoin Lightning Node maken met een Raspberry Pi en Umbrel | Nodezaak #2 | Satoshi Radio

Van harte welkom in de Nodezaak van Satoshi Radio! Dit is de plek waar je alles kan vinden over Bitc…
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DIY Raspberry Pi 4 Desktop Case With OLED Stats Display

In this video, I'll show you how to make your own Raspberry Pi 4 case which looks like a Mini Deskto…
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A Technical Introduction to The Lightning Network - We Are Developers 2020

We Are Developers is a conference catering to a developer audience. I've spoken live at this event m…
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VR Presentation with Oliver Gugger: LSAT (Lightning Service Authenication Tokens)

Oliver Gugger - Infrastructure Engineer at Lightning Labs - will join us on the Reckless VR stage to…
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Bitcoin Explained in the Bitcoin Basics Workshop CBP Prep [Free Workshop Extras - See Description]

Bitcoin isn't too hard to learn, if you've got a great teacher. That's why you want to learn from th…
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BTCpay server en VPN op myNode - Eerste payment channel [Deel 3] - Satoshi Radio

Wil je graag een Bitcoin Node maken maar vind je het moeilijk om over de drempel te stappen en daadw…
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13. Payment Channels and Lightning Network

MIT MAS.S62 Cryptocurrency Engineering and Design, Spring 2018 Instructor: Tadge Dryja View the co…
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Bitcoin Q&A: Are Hardware Wallets Secure Enough?

Are hardware wallets really secure enough? Is the complexity of the setup and execution part of the …
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ColdTi Torch Test on Engraved Titanium Plates

Plates marked with an electric engraver are heated to a temperature in excess of 1800°F (1000°C). …
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ColdTi Stamping - No Visible Marks on Back Side

There were some concerns that ColdTi plates showed visible markings on the back side when stamped. …
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Alex Bosworth - Lightning channel Management

2018 Chaincode Lightning Residency: https://residency.chaincode.com/ Transcript: http://diyhpl.us/w…
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Bitcoin Q&A: Optional Passphrases (Advanced Security Feature) and Seed Storage

Do optional passphrases protect against leaks or compromises of mnemonic seed words? Why are brain w…
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Bitcoin Q&A: Hardware Wallets and Attack Surface

Can you give a basic introduction to hardware wallets? Why are bitcoin "wallets" more like keychains…
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Bitcoin Q&A: Setting Up Secure Storage Devices

How secure are mobile wallets compared to desktops or hardware wallets? How easy is it for each type…
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  • 97 - 120 of 136 Tutorials