612 Podcasts

The "What is Money?" Show

"What is Money?" is the rabbit that leads us down the proverbial rabbit hole. It is the most important question for finding truth in the world. In this podcast, we will pursue this "rabbit" by engaging in a diversity of deep conversations with deep thinkers from different walks of life.
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The Fatal Conceit: The Errors of Socialism with Aneesh Karve (WiM520)

// GUEST // X: https://x.com/akarve Website: https://akarve.com/ LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/…
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Revolutionizing Bitcoin: Fedi and the Fedimint Protocol with Obi Nwosu (WiM519)

// GUEST // X: https://x.com/obi LinkedIn: https://uk.linkedin.com/in/obinwosu Fedi Website: https:/…
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How to Think About Bitcoin, AI, and Our Economic Future with Eric Weiss (WiM518)

// GUEST // X: https://x.com/Eric_BIGfund Blockchain Investment Group: http://www.big.fund/about.htm…
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Follow the MONEY, Find the TRUTH with Ian Carroll (WiM517)

// GUEST // X: https://x.com/Cancelcloco YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@cancelthisconspiracy Rumb…
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Bitcoin and the Inevitably Bright Orange Future with Robert Breedlove (WiM516)

// GUEST // YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@AdrianDAmico Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LikeAd…
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Bitcoin, The Number Zero, and Online Integrity with Robert Breedlove (WiM516)

// GUEST // YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@AdrianDAmico Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LikeAd…
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Stone-Age Money and Reconnecting with Nature with Pat Antuzzi (WiM515)

// GUEST // Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/_pop_rock_ // SPONSORS // The Farm at Okefenokee: h…
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Genghis Khan and the Making of the Modern World with Jack Weatherford (WIM514)

// GUEST // Book: https://www.amazon.com/dp/0609809644 Website: https://www.macalester.edu/anthropol…
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Into the Esoteric: Astrology, Etymology, and Bitcoin with Monika Bravo (WiM513)

// GUEST // Website: https://www.studioofendlessideas.com/ X: https://x.com/bravomonika Instagram: h…
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Web5: The Future of the Bitcoin-Based Internet with Polycarp Nakamoto (WiM512)

// GUEST // X: https://x.com/polycarpweb5 // SPONSORS // The Farm at Okefenokee: https://okefarm.com…
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The Conservative Case for Bitcoin with Mitchell Askew (WiM511)

// GUEST // X: https://x.com/MitchellHODLThe Conservative Case for Bitcoin: https://www.amazon.com/d…
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Theft of Fire with Devon Eriksen (WiM510)

// GUEST // Website: https://devoneriksen.com/ X: https://x.com/devon_eriksen_ Kickstarter: https://…
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The Bitcoin Power Law with Giovanni Santostasi (WiM509)

// GUEST // X: https://x.com/Giovann35084111 Medium: https://giovannisantostasi.medium.com/// SPONSO…
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Did The 10 Commandments Arise From Imitation? with Curt Doolittle (WiM507)

// GUEST // X: https://x.com/curtdoolittleNatural Law Institute: https://naturallawinstitute.com/ an…
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The Decentralization of Bitcoin Mining with Bitcoin Mechanic (WiM507)

// GUEST // Bitcoin Mechanic Website: https://www.bitcoinmechanic.ca/ OCEAN Website: https://ocean.x…
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Bitcoin's Role In "The Fourth Turning" with Brandon Quittem (WiM506)

// GUEST // Website: https://brandonquittem.com/ X: https://x.com/Bquittem LinkedIn: https://www.lin…
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Bitcoin Nation State and Corporate Adoption with Fred Thiel (WiM505)

// GUEST // Website: https://www.mara.com/ X: https://x.com/fgthiel LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.c…
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Life Insurance On A Bitcoin Standard with Zac Townsend (WiM504)

// GUEST // Meanwhile: https://meanwhile.bm/ Website: https://zactownsend.com/ X: https://x.com/ztow…
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Are You Too Late to Bitcoin with Luke Broyles (WiM503)

// GUEST // YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@Luke_Broyles/featured X: https://x.com/luke_broyles Th…
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Transitioning To A Bitcoin Standard with Chad Blackburn (WiM502)

// GUEST // X: https://x.com/chadblackburn LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/chadblackburn/ Webs…
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Pro-Wrestling, Storytelling, and Achievement with Eric Bischoff (WiM501)

// GUEST // 83 Weeks Podcast: https://www.youtube.com/@83weeks X: https://x.com/EBischoff Instagram:…
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Social Media, Money Printing, and Psychology with Scott Melker (WiM500)

// GUEST // YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@ScottMelker X: https://x.com/scottmelker Website: http…
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Following the Bitcoin Path with Jon Chenot (WiM499)

// GUEST // Website: https://www.citadeltheory.com/X: https://x.com/jonchenotPrimal: https://primal.…
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Beef and Bitcoin: The Future of Agriculture with Jeff Smith (WiM498)

// GUEST // Website: https://coloradocraftbeef.com/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/coloradocra…
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