139 Podcasts

Citizen Bitcoin

Podcasting the dawn of the Bitcoin Renaissance.
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Anil Patel: Bitcoin Education - E101

Anil has been a bitcoiner since 2015 ever since the first ever Bitcoin ATM was installed in his neig…
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My Bitcoin Journey - E100

For episode 100 I went back into the early interview episodes and grabbed some clips of me sharing a…
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Croesus BTC: Bitcoin Will Change the World - E99

Croesus BTC is a nym, of course, pretty fresh on the scene. He’s burst on the scene with some killer…
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Reed Wommack: A Bitcoin Meditation - E98

Reed Wommack joined the Swan team a couple months ago as our support ninja. He’s turned out to be a …
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Obi Nwosu: The Power of Bitcoin - E97

Obi  Nwosu is co-founder and CEO of Coinfloor - a UK based Bitcoin exchange. Coinfloor was founded i…
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Guy Swann: Two Bitcoiners Talking Bitcoin - E96

Pretty much all of you will know Guy, he’s the creator and host of Bitcoin Audible, one of the most …
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Vake: Bitcoin Past, Present and Future - E95

Today we sit down with  Vake. He's been around for a long time. In this one we go back in history an…
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Robert Allen: Building on Lightning - E94

This week we sit down with Robert Allen - a bitcoiner who has taken the buidl ethos to heart and bui…
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Robert Breedlove: Understanding Time, Money and Bitcoin from First Principles (rerun) - E93

Citizen Bitcoin on TwitterCitizen Bitcoin PodcastCitizen Bitcoin Lightning ShopCitizen Bitcoin Layer…
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Obiwan Kenobit: Bitcoin and the Decade of Discontent - E92

Today we sit down with ObiWan Kenobit. We talk about what he calls the Decade of Discontent ahead of…
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Prateek Goorha: Game Theory, Philosophy and Price Cycles - E91

Today we sit down with Prateek Goorha, an economist, professor and autodidact. Prateek has written s…
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Alessandro Cecere: A Passion for Bitcoin - E90

Alessandro Cecere is CEO at Coinspree, a leading LATAM Bitcoin business based in Caracas, Venezuela.…
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Behki Mahlobo: Bitcoin in South Africa

Today we sit down with Bheki Mahlobo, an economics student and active bitcoiner from South Africa. B…
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Stephen Cole: Toward a Bitcoin Future

Today we sit down with Stephen Cole, bitcoiner and investor.  Stephen is well known on Bitcoin Twitt…
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Jeff Booth: The Money of Tomorrow

Today we sit down with Jeff Booth author of the new book The Price of Tomorrow. Jeff is a long time …
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Justine aka MsHodl: Rebuilding Society from the Bottom Up

Today we sit down with Justine, aka @MsHodl - Justine is a bitcoiner who drops smart takes on Twitte…
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Erik Cason: Economic and Social Outcomes of Bitcoin

Erik is a crypto-anarchist, iconoclast, and thinker that has been working in the bitcoin ecosystem s…
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Aleks Svetski: Bitcoin is Natural Money

Aleks Svetski is founder and CEO of Swan’s Aussie autostacking ally - Amber. In this episode we talk…
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Brandon Quittem w/ John Vallis: Bitcoin Symbiosis

Brandon Quittem published last week the fourth and final installment of his wonderful mycelium/mushr…
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Robert Breedlove: Taleb and Bitcoin

Robert and I dive into the ideas of Nassim Taleb, laid out in his Incerto series, as they relate to …
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Matt Odell: Life, Love, and Bitcoin

Matt Odell and I drink some whiskey and have a much needed pandemic hang out. We talk life, love, hu…
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Ray Youssef: A Peaceful Bitcoin Future

Ray Youssef has a fascinating story - he literally went from living on the streets of New York to fo…
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Ben and Collin: WTF Happened in 1971?

Ben and Collin are the creators of wtfhappenedin1971.com. They have dedicated a lot of time to study…
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Dan Tapiero: Macro in the Time of Corona

Dan brings his considerable experience in the macro markets and his deepening understanding of Bitco…
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  • 25 - 48 of 139 Citizen Bitcoin
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