107 Podcasts

Blockstream Talk

Learn more about cutting edge Bitcoin, Liquid and Lightning development happening at Blockstream
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Luna Lessons with Dr. Adam Back - Blockstream Talk #13

@Blockstream@adam3usBlockstream00:55 - What happened in the Terra ecosystem? 08:05 - Crypto market c…
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Turkish Lira Inflation & the Bitcoin Exchange Business with Kerem Tibuk - Blockstream Talk #12

@btcturk@keremtibukBTC Turk1:30 - Meeting Kerem 3:50 - Is BtcTurk strictly for residents of Turkey? …
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Blockstream Talk #11 - Bitcoin as A Medium Of Exchange & The Democratization of Finance

0:00 - Introduction 1:02 - Meeting Bruce 2:32 - What role does Bitcoin have in improving the future?…
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Bitcoin as a Medium of Exchange & the Democratization of Finance with Bruce Fenton - Blockstream Tal…

@WatchdogCapital@brucefentonWatchdog CapitalChainstone Labs1:02 - Meeting Bruce 2:32 - What role doe…
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Blockstream Talk #10 - Bitfinex Hack & Tether Use Cases in Emerging Markets with Paolo Ardoino

0:00 Introduction01:07 Who is Paulo Ardoino?02:14  Path to finding Bitcoin and working at Bitfinex13…
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Bitfinex Hack & Tether Use Cases in Emerging Markets with Paolo Ardoino - Blockstream Talk #10

@bitfinex@paoloardoinoBitfinex01:07 Who is Paulo Ardoino?02:14  Path to finding Bitcoin and working …
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Bitcoin Privacy, Scaling Solutions, and Sidechains with Andrew Poelstra

0:00 Introduction1:52 What is Blockstream researching?4:12 Why is Bitcoin privacy important?15:05 Is…
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Blockstream Talk #9 - Bitcoin Marketing & Argentina Hyperinflation with Fernando Nikolic

0:00 - Introduction 1:42 - What challenges do you have marketing products that are ahead of their ti…
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Bitcoin Marketing & Argentina Hyperinflation with Fernando Nikolic - Blockstream Talk #9

@Blockstream@basedlayerBlockstream1:42 - What challenges do you have marketing products that are ahe…
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Blockstream Talk #8 - Fork Wars & The Biggest Innovations Happening in Bitcoin with Jonas Nick

0:44 - Introduction1:35 - Biggest innovations happening in Bitcoin right now4:11 - How long does a B…
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Fork Wars & the Biggest Innovations Happening in Bitcoin with Jonas Nick - Blockstream Talk #8

@blksresearch@n1cklerBlockstream Research1:35 - Biggest innovations happening in Bitcoin right now4:…
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Blockstream Talk #7 - Bitcoin Mortgages, Hyperinflation & The Democratization of Investing

0:00 Introduction1:13 Meeting Tuur 3:02 How the global financial crisis made Bitcoin interesting5:30…
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Blockstream Talk #7 - Bitcoin Mortgages & Hyperinflation with Tuur Demeester

0:00 Introduction1:13 Meeting Tuur 3:02 How the global financial crisis made Bitcoin interesting5:30…
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Bitcoin Mortgages & Hyperinflation with Tuur Demeester - Blockstream Talk #7

@AdamantResearch@TuurDemeesterAdamant Research 1:13 Meeting Tuur 3:02 How the global financial crisi…
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Blockstream Talk #6 - Issuing STOs on Liquid, India Adopting Bitcoin & The Future of Capital Markets…

0:00 - Introduction1:11 - Meeting Arnab2:05 - What is STOKR3:51 - Current capital markets being outd…
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Blockstream Talk #6 - Issuing STOs on Liquid & the Future of Capital Markets with Arnab Naskar

0:00 - Introduction1:11 - Meeting Arnab2:05 - What is STOKR3:51 - Current capital markets being outd…
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Issuing STOs on Liquid & the Future of Capital Markets with Arnab Naskar -Blockstream Talk #6

@stokr_io@Arnab_NaskarrStokr1:11 - Meeting Arnab2:05 - What is STOKR3:51 - Current capital markets b…
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Blockstream Talk #5 - Liquid for Bitcoiners

0:00 Introduction2:20 Criticisms of the Liquid network4:49 What is Hyperbitcoinization6:24 Why would…
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Blockstream Talk #5 - Liquid for Bitcoiners with Moritz Wietersheim

0:00 Introduction2:20 Criticisms of the Liquid network4:49 What is Hyperbitcoinization6:24 Why would…
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Blockstream Talk #5 - Hyperbitcoinization & the Liquid Network with Moritz Wietersheim

0:00 Introduction2:20 Criticisms of the Liquid network4:49 What is Hyperbitcoinization6:24 Why would…
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Hyperbitcoinization & the Liquid Network with Moritz Wietersheim - Blockstream Talk #5

@SpecterWallet@MWietersheimSpecter Solutions2:20 Criticisms of the Liquid network4:49 What is Hyperb…
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Blockstream Talk #4 - Financial Products on Bitcoin & The Future of Institutional Demand

0:00 Introduction1:25 Jesse’s introduction2:15 Jesse's journey from banker to bitcoin4:32 Jesse tryi…
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Blockstream Talk #4 - Financial Products on Bitcoin & Institutional Demand with Jesse Knutson

0:00 Introduction1:25 Jesse’s introduction2:15 Jesse's journey from banker to bitcoin4:32 Jesse tryi…
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  • 73 - 96 of 107 Blockstream Talk
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