
Streaming sats with the Podfather | Adam Curry

Connect The World EP029 | Adam Curry | Texas USA

"Edward and Stef talk to Adam Curry, The Podfather of Podcasting 2.0! Besides being a podcaster we also know him as a VJ on MTV back in the days!
With his Podcast, The Daily Source Code (2004) he gained traction in the development of Podcasting. He was the first to use a combination of RSS, scripting and audio content. And all tested in the field!
In this Episode they talk about how value for value, thanks to the possibilities of Lightning, is changing the podcasting world completely. Adam also proves this as co-host of the No Agenda podcast, in which the listeners as a community play a huge role!
Want to know more about his meeting with Steve Jobs? And how Value for Value only benefits the content? Then tune in for this week's show!" - Jonī Kyasshu
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