In this captivating episode of The Mark Moss Show, we dive into an insightful discussion with the dynamic duo, Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert, often dubbed as the unofficial tourism board of El Salvador. We explore the significant strides El Salvador is making under President Bukele's leadership, particularly in its groundbreaking adoption of Bitcoin. Max and Stacy, with their extensive experience living outside the US, bring a unique global perspective to the financial shifts and the rise of decentralized currencies. This conversation sheds light on how El Salvador is setting an example for the world, the impact of fiat money systems, and the potential geopolitical shifts as a result of Bitcoin's emergence. We also touch on the intriguing concept of the 'Freedom Passport' in El Salvador and what the future holds for countries embracing Bitcoin versus those still entrenched in fiat systems. If you're curious about the global financial landscape, Bitcoin's role in it, and El Salvador's pioneering journey, this episode is a must-listen. Keiser: Herbert:
Freedom Passport:See for privacy information.