
Bitcoin will fix the USA | Ryan Matta

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237. Peter St. Onge

Economist Peter St Onge joins to give us his perspective on a wide range of economic issues, from go…
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236. CFA and Bitcoin with Rajat Soni

Rajat Soni is a CFA who read The Bitcoin Standard and became a bitcoiner, which caused him some trou…
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235. The Google Archipelago with Michael Rectenwald

Former Marxist professor Michael Rectenwald joins to discuss his transformation into a libertarian, …
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234. NPCs for Genocide with Konstantin Kisin

How are NPCs programmed to cheer for a genocide thousands of miles away? I hosted Konstantin Kisin a…
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233. Deflation with Jeff Booth

Jeff Booth, author of The Price of Tomorrow, joins us to discuss deflation and economics, as well as…
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232. Coinbits with Dave Birnbaum

Coinbits is back better than before, and we are joined by their VP of product Dave Birnbaum to discu…

Robin Seyr

Join me on my journey to interview as many Bitcoiner as possible. I publish 5 Episodes per week with…

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