
Generate Bitcoin Seeds With Passport's Key Manager Extension

0:00 - Intro
0:29 - Key Manager use cases
1:10 - Child seeds explained
2:28 - Enabling the Key Manager and generating keys
5:44 - Exporting a key via SeedQR to Sparrow Wallet
8:34 - Exporting a key via Seed Words to Envoy

This video shows you how to enable and use the Key Manager Extension on Passport.

The Key Manager extension allows for the creation and export 12 or 24 word 'child seeds'. A child seed is a fully valid Bitcoin seed in its own right and can be used in the exact same way any other seed can be.

Common Key Manager use cases include:

- Populate all of your mobile wallets using unique child seeds from Passport. If you lose any of those mobile wallet backups, Passport can
re-derive any of those seeds, so that your funds are not lost.
- Populate the wallets of your friends and family whilst sleeping safe with the knowledge that in the likely event they fail to properly back up their wallet, you can re-derive their seed and bail them out at any time.
- Securely generate and back up your own or your family members Nostr private keys. (More on that in a separate video.)

Learn more at https://foundationdevices.com/passport
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