346 Podcasts

Ungovernable Misfits

Sick of being spied on, stolen from, and lied to?

Ungovernable Misfits aim to ignite a rebellious spark in every listener.

We explore ways to regain privacy and freedom using Bitcoin and open source software.

Freedoms are not granted, they are taken and defended.

We are rebels with a cause.

Join us and become Ungovernable.
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Running a bitcoin node for the streets. RoninDojo community discussion.

Running a bitcoin node for the streets, RoninDojo community discussion.  This episode is from a live…
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Ungovernable Misfits Presents: A Very Ungovernable Christmas

The BitBuyBit Radio network, in partnership with Ungovernable Misfits Media, present, the greatest c…
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PMM EP13 2.0 (previous episode corrupted)

Pleb Miner Monthly  Episode 13 Show Notes   Holiday greetings from the Pleb Miner Mafia and the Ungo…
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Pleb Miner Monthly EP13. Bitcoin, Christmas, Hash.

Pleb Miner Monthly Episode 13     Holiday greetings from the Pleb Miner Mafia and the Ungovernable M…
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Running a bitcoin node for the streets with Zelko from RoninDojo

In this episode I spoke with Zelko the Co-Founder of RoninDojo. We discuss the origins of the projec…
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Freedom or fold! Monthly bitcoin update EP31. Stay up to date with what matters.

In this episode of bitcoin monthly EP31 we talk about the importance of using bitcoin in a private a…
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Bitcoin privacy defenders. Samourai community discussion on using the tools and never bending the kn…

This episode is from a live recording I did with Samourai (Samourai wallet) Zelko (Ronin Dojo) and t…
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Pleb Miner Monthly EP12 - Don’t sell out! Bitcoin deserves better!

Pleb Miner Monthly  Episode 12 Show Notes   It’s Thanksgiving season in the US, perhaps Plebs all ar…
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Privacy Defenders Samourai and Zelko introduce Sentinel, the watch only bitcoin wallet.

  In this episode I spoke to Samourai and Zelko about the recent release of Sentinel, a watch only w…
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Critical vulnerability? Bitcoin monthly EP30

  In this episode of bitcoin monthly EP30 we are missing our mouthy northern robot friend. With bitc…
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“You can’t live in a bitcoin.” Ben Gunn Returns as Atlas Shrugs.

In case you missed our first conversation or want to re listen, heres the link.  https://ungovernab…