618 Podcasts

Tales from the Crypt: A Bitcoin Podcast

Tales from the Crypt is a podcast hosted by Marty Bent about Bitcoin. Join Marty, Editor in Chief of "the best newsletter in Bitcoin", as he sits down to discuss Bitcoin with interesting people.
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Citadel Dispatch e39 - running a lightning routing node and plebnet with @phjlljp, @rajwinder, and @…

EPISODE: 39 BLOCK: 701600 PRICE: 2406 sats per dollar TOPICS: running your own lightning routing nod…
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Citadel Dispatch e0.3.7 - building software from source code with @achow101 and @craigraw

EPISODE: 0.3.7 BLOCK: 699517 PRICE: 2170 sats per dollar TOPICS: building software from source code,…