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CryptoQuikRead_209 - The Bitcoin Threat Model [Part 2 - JW Weatherman]

Continuing with Part 2 of the journey through the "Bitcoin Threat Model" to be followed by the "Huma…
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Holding it Down in Venezuela - Linzerd

On today’s show, Matt sat down with Linzerd to talk about the current situation in Venezuela. Linzer…
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Episode 130 – We Interrupt Your Normally Scheduled Program…

Slappy and I have CarCampIt of the Friends Against Government podcast on the show to talk about some…
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CryptoQuikRead_208 - The Bitcoin Threat Model [Part 1 - JW Weatherman]

Beginning the journey through the "Bitcoin Threat Model" and the "Human Threat Model," both by @jwwe…
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David Bleznak, Founder & CEO of Totle: Simplifying Decentralized Exchanges

David Bleznak is the founder and CEO of Detroit based Totle. In this live recording, Bleznak and Ant…
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CryptoQuikRead_207 - Announcing the Casa Browser Extension [Nick Neuman]

A lot of announcements and tons of exciting stuff to talk about in this episode! Plus our read of th…
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Nikhil Kalghatgi, Founding Partner at CoVenture Crypto: Why Aligning Incentives in Crypto is Challen…

Nikhil Kalghatgi is a founding Partner at CoVenture Crypto. In this conversation, Nikhil and Anthony…
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Pieter Hintjens - ZMQ, Tech, Ideas, Community, Writing and Life

Written by Alexandra Moxin In this special edition memorial episode Adam interviews Pieter Hintjens…