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Honigdachs #22 – Die wiederentdeckte Folge

Lange galt sie als verschollen, nun ist sie endlich wieder aufgetaucht: Die 22. Folge des Honigdachs…
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Becoming a Bitcoin Expert at 11 Years Old, with Andrew Courey

This week’s guest is a 6th grader from Wellesley, Massachusetts and the author of recently released …
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CryptoQuikRead_040 - Why Bitcoin is Different

With thousands of ICOs and altcoins out there, how on earth can we tell a difference? And are they a…
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CryptoQuikRead_039 - The Central Banking Bubble

Not only can Bitcoin not be separated from the macro economic movements of the world, it may represe…
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TIP184: Momentum Investing w/ Dr. Richard Smith (Investing Podcast)

In today's episode we talking to Dr. Richard Smith. Smith is an expert at momentum investing and is …
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CryptoQuikRead_038 - 7 Misunderstandings of Bitcoin's Scaling Problem

So many of us misunderstand the underlying implications or consequences of the scaling debate when f…
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CryptoQuikRead_038 - 7 Misunderstandings of Bitcoin's Scaling Problem

So many of us misunderstand the underlying implications or consequences of the scaling debate when f…
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CryptoQuikRead_037.5 - Lapp 7 - The Lightning Jukebox

The final lightning app has arrived to finish out the Week of Lapps! Listen to the announcement from…
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THE Bitcoin Hodler of Last Resort

<div class="powerpress_player" id="powerpress_player_5827"> <audio cl…
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CryptoQuikRead_037 - 81 Percent of ICOs Become Scams

With data from the Satis Group, The Merkle gives us a breakdown of the successes and failures of the…
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CryptoQuikRead_036.5 - LApp 6 - Ifpaytt Brings Lightning Payments to IFTTT

LApp #6 called IfpayTTT allows non-programmers to create Lightning-powered services using the IFTTT …
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CryptoQuikRead_036 - Appcoins are Snake Oil

Daniel Krawisz gives us a solid argument to why appcoins are all snake oil. A failed application of …