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Bitcoin Audible

The Best in Bitcoin made Audible.
Guy Swann makes the knowledge of Bitcoin, the world's most secure, independent money, accessible to everyone. Exploring Bitcoin from an investment perspective, economic analysis, its philosophical foundations, & technological primitives. Reading and distilling thousands of hours of others' works on Bitcoin, Guy explains everything you need to know.
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CryptoQuikRead_153 - Cliffhangers [Bitcoin's POW #3 - LaurentMT]

“In this third part, we’re going to focus on a slightly different question: “Is the system running a…
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CryptoQuikRead_153 - Cliffhangers [Bitcoin's POW #3 - LaurentMT]

“In this third part, we’re going to focus on a slightly different question: “Is the system running a…
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CryptoQuikRead_152 - Yin and Yang of Bitcoin [Bitcoin's POW #2 - LaurentMT]

Listen to @Laurentmt's article explaining how the Yin and Yang of Bitcoin, Hodling & Mining, aff…
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CryptoQuikRead_152 - Yin and Yang of Bitcoin [Bitcoin's POW #2 - LaurentMT]

Listen to @Laurentmt's article explaining how the Yin and Yang of Bitcoin, Hodling & Mining, aff…
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CryptoQuikRead_151 - Gravity [Bitcoin's POW #1 - LaurentMT]

“At last, we have derived two metrics which both suggest that contrary to a widespread opinion, Bitc…
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CryptoQuikRead_151 - Gravity [Bitcoin's POW #1 - LaurentMT]

“At last, we have derived two metrics which both suggest that contrary to a widespread opinion, Bitc…
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CryptoQuikRead_150 - Why I wrote PGP [Phil Zimmerman]

“If we do nothing, new technologies will give the government new automatic surveillance capabilities…
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CryptoChat_006 - TheOneVortex on Building for Bitcoin

Building applications, expanding alternative media, software is eating the world, what's inside the …
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CryptoQuikRead_149 - Bitcoin as a PrivacyCoin

“Ever since its inception Bitcoin has never really been private…. Fortunately, spying on Bitcoin use…
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CryptoQuikRead_148 - Bitcoin as a Conflict Prevention Protocol

“To borrow from Nick Szabo, Bitcoin is a socially scalable, conflict preventing protocol.” - Tuur De…
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CryptoQuikRead_147 - How to Critique Bitcoin, A Guide

"You’ve heard of Bitcoin. You do not like it... It relies on curious, antiquated ideas like sound mo…
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CryptoQuikRead_146 - The Three Economic Eras of Bitcoin

"The Third Era will start with civil war" -Rusty Russell The future economic reality of the Bitcoin …
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CryptoQuikRead_145 - Giacomo on SPV and Digital Coinage

“We shouldn't make full nodes harder to run, EVER” -@giacomozucco Listen to the tweet storm laying o…
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CryptoQuikRead_144 - SegWit2x Bugs Explained

The infrastructure and businesses in the Cryptoconomy are set to have a massive shift in the coming …
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CryptoChat_005 - Brady Swenson on Being an Informed Bitcoin Citizen

Hashing out all the major pain points, who to trust, building your filter, and where to start when i…
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CryptoQuikRead_143 - The Time Value of Bitcoin

“Lightning Network provides a framework to measure the time-value of bitcoin, a precursor for a capi…
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CryptoQuikRead_142 - Chaincode’s Residency Program Is Back, This Time With Lightning

-- “Lightning is a promising technology, but right now, very few people are fluent with it,” Chainco…
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CryptoQuikRead_141 - Fat Protocols Aren't New

“People have speculated on what a future with fat protocols will look like. File sharing protocols a…
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CryptoQuikRead_141 - Fat Protocols Aren't New

“People have speculated on what a future with fat protocols will look like. File sharing protocols a…
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CryptoQuikRead_140 - Lightning Network 2.0 [Part 2]

“That’s right: while we’re here still trying to wrap our minds around Layer 2 solutions, these mad s…
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CryptoQuikRead_139 - Lightning Network 2.0 [Part1]

“Thing is, as these debates rage on, there’s a community of developers coming up with new ideas and,…
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CryptoQuikRead_138 - Traditional Bitcoin Mixers

"Thinking about it, isn’t it ironic that, over the past years I wrote about every Bitcoin privacy te…
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CryptoQuikRead_137 - Half of the Remaining Bitcoin Supply is 'Spoken For'

"At least 99M People intend to own crypto, but don’t yet." @RyanRadloff A fun exploration by Ryan Ra…
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CryptoQuikRead_137 - Half of the Remaining Bitcoin Supply is 'Spoken For'

"At least 99M People intend to own crypto, but don’t yet." @RyanRadloff A fun exploration by Ryan Ra…