1080 Podcasts

Bitcoin Audible

The Best in Bitcoin made Audible.
Guy Swann makes the knowledge of Bitcoin, the world's most secure, independent money, accessible to everyone. Exploring Bitcoin from an investment perspective, economic analysis, its philosophical foundations, & technological primitives. Reading and distilling thousands of hours of others' works on Bitcoin, Guy explains everything you need to know.
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CryptoQuikRead_253 - The Magic Dust of Cryptography [dergigi]

Exploring the magic of cryptography using a magic hammer, gray dust, a magic potion, & a pair of…
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GuysTake_015 - The Bcash 51% Attack

In a crazy conversation from last night's meet-up, I learned of discussion of a purposeful re-org, a…
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CryptoQuikRead_252 - Bitcoin's Security is Fine [Dan Held]

Is Bitcoin's security going to be unreliable, volatile, or could it even fail entirely when we lose …
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CryptoQuikRead_252 - Bitcoin's Security is Fine [Dan Held]

Is Bitcoin's security going to be unreliable, volatile, or could it even fail entirely when we lose …
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CryptoQuikRead_251 - Use of Knowledge in Society [Part 2 - F. A. Hayek]

The brilliance of the price system is in coordinating the values, deeply limited knowledge and scarc…
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CryptoQuikRead_250 - Use of Knowledge in Society [Part 1 - F. A. Hayek]

Is the idea of a central decision maker for the economy just a problem of gathering all the right in…
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CryptoQuikRead_249 - Bitcoin Has No Intrinsic Value, & That's Great! [Conner Brown]

Diving into a great piece by Conner Brown exploring the subjectivity of value, and why Bitcoin's lac…
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CryptoQuikRead_249 - Bitcoin Has No Intrinsic Value, & That's Great! [Conner Brown]

Diving into a great piece by Conner Brown exploring the subjectivity of value, and why Bitcoin's lac…
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CryptoQuikRead_248 - Bitrefill's Hottest Lightning Tech of 2019!

Today we cover all the incredible new developments coming to Lightning and what they will mean for t…
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CryptoQuikRead_248 - Bitrefill's Hottest Lightning Tech of 2019!

Today we cover all the incredible new developments coming to Lightning and what they will mean for t…
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GuysTake_014 - The What, Why, & How of Lightning

Today, in preparation of & to understand the significance of the vast array of new features and …
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CryptoQuikRead_247 - The Ancient Sin of Debt; How Bitcoin Can Make Amends [Darren Kleine]

With a really cool and succinct article from Darren Kleine (@_DKleine), today's read is on the "sins…
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GuysTake_013 - Nodes vs Miners, Who Defines Bitcoin?

Today we cover more specifically the consequences and risks of a divorce between miners & the ne…
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GuysTake_012 - Full Nodes or Nothing, The Story of Validation [Part 1]

When we dig to the very base elements of Bitcoin, we find it is merely digital points. What make the…
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CryptoQuikRead_246 - Errors in Satoshi's Whitepaper [David A. Harding]

Today we take a stroll through a collection of known errors, clarification, and terminology changes …
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CryptoQuikRead_246 - Errors in Satoshi's Whitepaper [David A. Harding]

Today we take a stroll through a collection of known errors, clarification, and terminology changes …
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CryptoQuikRead_245 - Bitcoin's Gravity [dergigi]

A great piece just full of fun analogies on how to imagine the force of nature that is #Bitcoin. Don…
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CryptoQuikRead_245 - Bitcoin's Gravity [dergigi]

A great piece just full of fun analogies on how to imagine the force of nature that is #Bitcoin. Don…
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CryptoQuikRead_243 - Bitcoin in Heavy Accumulation [Part 2 - Tuur Demeester, Michiel Lescrauwaet]

The conclusion of the Adamant Capital report from Tuur Demeester & Michiel Lescrauwaet on the cu…
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CryptoQuikRead_243 - Bitcoin in Heavy Accumulation [Part 1 - Tuur Demeester, Michiel Lescrauwaet]

Today & tomorrow we will be going through the Adamant Capital report by Tuur Demeester & Mic…
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CryptoQuikRead_242 - Neutrino is Dangerous to my Self-Sovereignty [Nicholas Dorier]

In the follow-up to yesterday's article, we are covering Nicolas Dorier's second article on Neutrino…
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CryptoQuikRead_241 - Why I Don't Celebrate Neutrino [Nicholas Dorier]

Today we read an article from developer @nicolasdorier that illustrates why Neutrino might not be th…
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CryptoQuikRead_241 - Why I Don't Celebrate Neutrino [Nicholas Dorier]

Today we read an article from developer @nicolasdorier that illustrates why Neutrino might not be th…
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CryptoChat_011 - Lightning, Paywall.Link, & the Bootstrap Bandit

Today we bring Tim K (@bootstrapbandit) on the show to talk all about the Lightning Network & a …