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Headers First, Assume Valid and Assume UTXO - NADO 14

On this episode of The Van Wirdum Sjorsnado, Aaron and Sjors discuss “Assume UTXO”, a proposal and p…
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The Case for $500K Bitcoin with Cameron & Tyler Winklevoss - WBD272

Location: Squadcast Date: Tuesday 20th October Company: Gemini Role: Co-Founders In August, Cameron …
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Weekly Roundup 10/23/20 (PayPal jumps in, the banks push back at the SPDI, are CBDCs inflationary?) …

Matt and Nic cover deals and news of the week. In this episode:  PTJ's latest comments on Bitcoin H…
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#414: Jordan Harbinger on Building A World Class Podcast

Jordan Harbinger is an American podcaster and radio personality. He hosts one of the most popular po…
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Heavily Armed Clown: What The F*ck Happened in 1971?

Economic oracle, political soothsayer, & co-founder of WTFHappenedIn1971.com, Heavily Armed Clown is…
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Monopoly is Un-American: Matt Stoller on Google Antitrust

Matt Stoller works with the American Economic Liberties Project and is the author of “Goliath: The 1…
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Danny Diekroeger: From Baseball to Bitcoin - E107

Danny Diekroger is a software engineer at CashApp and Bitgo before that. He has been writing some gr…