
Bitcoin, Unleashing an Ocean of Energy with Nathaniel Harmon


Nathaniel Harmon is an oceanographer, Bitcoiner and cofounder of OceanBit. In this interview, we discuss how an old technology deriving energy from ocean temperature differences can provide unlimited renewable baseload energy, and Bitcoin’s vital and symbiotic role.

00:00:00 Living in Hawaii
00:24:55 Climate change & energy transition
00:33:42 Climate change discussion in the Bitcoin community
00:43:30 How carbon slows Earth reradiating energy
00:50:58 Hawaii’s renewable energy problem
01:00:52 OTEC: benefits, limitations & Bitcoin’s vital role
01:12:22 The full cycle integration of OTEC & Bitcoin
01:19:18 Largest untapped baseload energy supply in the world
01:26:31 Ocean floor mining
01:38:07 OTEC & ocean mining
01:44:15 The Kardashev scale
01:54:10 Seasteading; space colonization; investment in OceanBit
02:03:35 Debating climate change & seeking truth

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#Bitcoin #Finance #Economics


“Where I think the real valuable conversation is, is not debating the science because again, I am a scientist, and I can back that shit up with fucking receipts. And that’s not going to be a fun debate for anybody. What’s the fun debate is ‘What do we actually do about it?’”
— Nathaniel Harmon

Nathaniel Harmon is an oceanographer, Bitcoiner and cofounder of OceanBit. In this interview, we discuss how an old technology deriving energy from ocean temperature differences can provide unlimited renewable baseload energy, and Bitcoin’s vital and symbiotic role.

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In the 1880s, a French engineer devised an engine that generated renewable energy from the oceans: Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion (OTEC). It works by harnessing the large temperature differences between warm ocean surfaces and cold deep waters. This can occur within relatively short vertical distances (i.e. 100m). Such differences can be used to evaporate ammonia, driving a turbine, after which the ammonia can be re-liquified in a closed cycle system.

The issue since the 1880s has been the technology has not been able to achieve economies of scale in competition with cheaper energy sources i.e. coal, oil and gas. The first OTEC plant was built in the 1930s, following which a further 14 test plants have been built at various times and geographies. But, no project has been able to overcome the hurdle of progressing from prototype to operational plant.

And yet, given the size of the ocean, OTEC is the largest untapped renewable energy source in the world. Further, given the temperature differences don’t subside at night, it is a baseload supply. The potential is obviously huge. Anything that could be used to offset the capital costs of the R&D phase could lead to a new energy revolution. Enter Bitcoin.

Bitcoin mining’s utility in directly monetising energy provides significant flexibility for developing a capital-efficient OTEC prototype. Such a facility would not need to be tethered to transmission lines: it would be able to exploit the best locations for OTEC around the equator. The genius in the proposal though is that OTEC and Bitcoin mining are symbiotic: access to limitless cold water means mining efficiency can be maximised.

And there’s more. The production of energy in the ocean opens up all kinds of opportunities that could literally change the world. All from a technology that had all but been forgotten, but now stands to be reinvigorated by Bitcoin.
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