
What Now for Bitcoin? With Nic Carter, Tuur Demeester, Robert Breedlove & Alex Leishman - WBD240


Location: Zoom Date:Tuesday 30th June Company/project: Castle Island Ventures, Adamant Capital, Parallax Digital & River Financial Role: Partner, Founding Partner, Founder & Founder

The global economy is in a precarious position. With the coronavirus enforced lockdowns closing down businesses around the world, central banks have been printing money at unprecedented levels to prevent economies from collapsing. While this has eased the pressure in Western nations, some smaller countries are starting to experience the impact. The currency in Lebanon has all but collapsed, and inflation in Zimbabwe has nearly reached 800%. Could high inflation be coming to the UK, Europe and the US?

While the implication of a global economic meltdown may not be known for years, it is precisely this sort of situation that many Bitcoiners have highlighted as the perfect environment for Bitcoin to thrive. So, what comes next for Bitcoin? 

This interview is from a panel I recently hosted for Real Vision’s The Crypto Gathering event, with Nic Carter, Tuur Demeester, Robert Breedlove & Alex Leishman. We discuss the current state of the economy, Bitcoin as a peaceful protest and what comes next.

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