
Shipping Oxide with Bryan Cantrill


Hyperscalers refer to expansive cloud service providers capable of delivering enterprise-scale computing and storage services. Companies like Google, Amazon, Facebook that have huge data centers and are either running their own software or renting out this infrastructure can be called Hyperscalers. These Hyperscalers realized a long time back that the traditional Network, Storage & Compute server racks were not enough to fulfill the requirements of a modern enterprise at scale. So they built custom solutions for their data center requirements.

For all of the other companies and organizations that have their own data centers, they are still running legacy old technology. Oxide Computer is a company aiming to democratize access to rack-scale technology and provide a seamless software stack to facilitate its implementation.

Bryan Cantrill is the Co-Founder and CTO of Oxide Computer and he joins us in this episode.

Jordi Mon Companys is a product manager and marketer that specializes in software delivery, developer experience, cloud native and open source. He has developed his career at companies like GitLab, Weaveworks, Harness and other platform and devtool providers. His interests range from software supply chain security to open source innovation. You can reach out to him on Twitter at @jordimonpmm

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The post Shipping Oxide with Bryan Cantrill appeared first on Software Engineering Daily.

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