
What, exactly, do I want for myself?

One of the main reasons why people find themselves stuck in a dead-end job and unfulfilling life is that they have not taken the time to ask, ‘What, exactly, do I want for myself.’ Here to discuss this issue is the multi-company CEO, real estate investor, and contributing author to Jack Canfield’s book Success Formula, Anne Marie Smith. 

After a difficult separation with her ex-husband, Anne Marie Smith found herself broke and living with a family member about 22 years ago. Feeling hopeless and lost, she began reading books on business and self-improvement. It was then she decided to make a list of everything she wanted out of life, regardless of how ludicrous it seemed, how far away it all was, or what others would think.

It was this simple task that gave her the motivation to launch her career, helping her achieve her personal and financial goals, and giving her the opportunities to provide inexpensive housing for disadvantaged families. 

Today, she is going to talk about the difficulties she experienced, her journey up, and how having a clear vision of your goals is the first and most important step towards reaching them. 

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