
Orange Pill [OP9] - A Sat of One's Own & the Cat in the Fiat Matrix


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One satoshi puts you in the room with Satoshi Nakamoto.

Max and Stacy discuss: Why it is that you can only do bitcoin once; why the bitcoin standard will become the standard for the multiverse; Love is the equivalent of bitcoin in that it exists in absolute scarcity; Deplatforming a pharaoh; The Queen endorses mainstream media thus endorsing the status quo but Max and Stacy say the answer is more competition not less. And they notice that JPM is the cat in the fiat matrix.

They are joined by Adam Back of Blockstream.com to chat about: does the corporate FOMO into bitcoin begin after Square announced the purchase of $50 million for their corporate treasury; a mining death spiral that never happened; monetary policy, QE Infinity and the pending doomed central bank digital currencies; what Blockstream satellites will do to increase the global reach of bitcoin while helping bitcoin mining in remote locations at trapped energy sites and increasing general privacy.

An ORANGE PILLED cat discovers it has paws and therefore it is (orange pilled).

In a GIRL TALK segment, Stacy chats to Madge Weinstein about the failure of the elite messaging system, a future world of disposable avatars and Russian bot cousins.

Finally, Abe Cambridge of the Sun Exchange talks about how JP Morgan crushed Nikola Tesla's decentralized energy dreams.

Donate some satoshis to Bitcoin Lady at Satoshi Centre in Botswana: 3AbXJr3GRDnpWTrUdB8w16Q9Xm4HntraJ2

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Orange Pill Podcast

Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert with a weekly trippy look at a post red-pilled world. As an old fiat re…

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