
Orange Pill [OP16] - The Hand of God & the Fourth Turning with Brandon Quittem


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Max and Stacy are joined by Brandon Quittem of SwanBitcoin to discuss the Fourth Turning and how bitcoin could be a release valve for the volatility of the turning. History creates generations, generations create history. There is no escaping the inevitable path of the cycles of these generations and the histories in which they live.

  • Just as there is no junk DNA, all cycles of the economy are necessary as well. The central bank class, however, tinkers with the DNA of the economy and cause unintended consequences. 
  • Humans fly into the sun, but the difficulty adjustment a way to overcome confirmation bias. 
  • Difficulty adjustment is, indeed, a perfect governor
  • The logic of violence - over time there are different incentives relating to violence that lead to violence but we may be in a period of a fracturing of the mega states into smaller regions competing for 'customer' citizens and so less violence. We could be heading into a time when it will be much more expensive to tyrannize
  • Bitcoin is a strong institution that provides order and stability.
  • Bitcoin is built for a thousand years, not merely an 80 year cycle.
  • Bitcoin is a volatility dampener for Fourth Turnings.
  • Efficient market hypothesis and reflexivity applied to demographic cycles.

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