
Thunderhub Strikes on the Lightning Network | Anthony Potdevin


Connect The World EP034 | Anthony Potdevin | Thunderhub | Amboss.space | Colombia

"Edward and Stef talk to Antony Potdevin, the co-founder at Amboss.space and the main software engineer for the open source project Thunderhub.
Thunderhub is an open-source Lightning Network LND node manager and gives users a great UI to manage their Lightning Node! Amboss.space is a Lightning Network Explorer which released the Magma Liquidity Marketplace in May this year.
They talk about using the Lightning Network as your online identity, about the growth of the amount of Lightning Nodes in the coming years and about future gamification options within Amboss!
Get your nodes ready or build a new one today and watch this Episode!" - Jonī Kyasshu
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