
A Lightning-based Trading Engine | Kevin Cai

Connect The World EP033 | Kevin Cai | Kollider | Massachusetts USA

"Edward and Stef talk to Kevin Cai, an infrastructure and system engineer working at Kollider. He ensures that all systems at Kollider and their own Lightning Node running continue to run smoothly at all times!
Kollider is a real-time settled derivative exchange. Their trading and settlement system uses the Lightning Network to enable traders to get instant price exposure without having to pre-fund a trading account.
Among a lot of things they talk about all the things Kollider is working on, like gamification with trading competitions, where you can win sats as a prize every month. He also shares his thoughts about running a stable Lightning Node and about the future of the Lightning Network!
Enjoy the show, but beware of Kollider's addictiveness!" - Jonī Kyasshu
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