
Global Accessibility Awareness Day 2024 Kick Off Session

This is our second time participating in the accessibility day, and we have a similar program set up like last year. In this kick-off call, we did a quick round of introductions, Christoph gave an intro to accessibility, Mo an overview of our prior testing efforts, and Czino a presentation on the technical side of web accessibility. Afterwards, we went off to test and file issues with projects.

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UX Research Toolkit #40

During this call we discussed future iterations to the UX research toolkit as well as the rapid prot…
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Voltage Block Clock Web Component

We hopped on a call with the Voltage team and they walked us through the Block Clock implementation.
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GenZ UX Research #39

During this call we discussed the research plan which Autumn put together as well as how to narrow t…
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Bitcoin Core App Design Call #95

During this call we discussed the users flows that are being worked on at the moment, those are desi…
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Bitcoin Core App Design Call #94

We discussed the activity and receive designs, which just got 95% finalized and added to the main Fi…
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UX Research Call #38: Gen Z

What does Gen Z think about bitcoin? How could it be helpful to them. We tried to explore these ques…

Bitcoin Design Community

We post videos from the various calls our community organizes, from design reviews and community cal…

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