BCB098_LARRY LEPARD & GREG FOSS: Bitcoin For Boomers


Greg Foss and Lawrence Lepard join Josh and Dan for an uncensored rip!  We always appreciate Greg and Larry. Their willingness to give us their unfiltered opinions is a breath of fresh air!  This discussion centers around explaining Bitcoin & the current macroeconomic environment to our parents' generation, while ripping apart some public figures who seem disingenuous in their appraisal of this asset.


  • Bitcoin explanation for boomers

  • Foss getting cliffed out on skis

  • Lepard’s hatred for Charlie Munger and Ivy League cucks

  • Bitcoin’s ultimate value

  • Is the bottom in for Bitcoin?




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Greg was a high yield bond trader for 32 years.  Since retirement he has spent his time and energy educating people about finance.  Greg has been instrumental in creating Looking Glass Education, an educational platform designed to educate the world about finance, economics, and Bitcoin.


Lawrence is a partner at Equity Management Associates.  He devotes much of his time to financial education and is generous in sharing ideas.  He has a libertarian worldview and has a deep understanding of Austrian Economics.  A long time hard money advocate, he was quick to grok the fundamentals and world changing potential of Bitcoin.

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EMAIL: Send questions or comments to bluecollarbitcoinpodcast@gmail.com

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