Heat for Hodlonaut!

Some of the Noderunners are selling their homegrown Peppers to support Hodlonaut in his fight to defend Bitcoin. Please support the fight by buying some peppers.

Donation Counter


All sales of products on this page will be donated to support @hodlonaut in his fight against faketoshi. Please be generous Pleb, we all need each other.

Carolina Reapers

Carolina Reapers

Capsicum chinense

12,900 € 10,00 Shipping 6,450 € 5,00

Bummer. This product is out of stock.

To support our fren @hodlonaut in his fight against fAkToshi we donate all the sales of these extremely spicy dried Carolina Reapers to defendingbtc.com.

Availability: Not in Stock
Shipping: 6,450 € 5,00
Categories: Heat for Hodlonaut

Starting September 12th, in Oslo, Norway - hodlonaut will take the stand to defend his allegations that Craig Wright is not Satoshi. The community is coming together to support hodlonaut and we are announcing a fundraiser to both raise donations but also to grow awareness and supply accurate information in the media narrative surrounding this case.

Please visit defendingbtc.com for more info.

Donation page: https://opensats.org/projects/opensats_legal_defense


Dragon's Breath

Heat for Hodlonaut

19,350 € 15,00 Shipping 6,450 € 5,00

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To support our fren @hodlonaut in his fight against fAkToshi we donate all the sales of these extremely spicy dried Dragon's Breath to defendingbtc.com.

Availability: Limited Stock
In Stock: 2
Shipping: 6,450 € 5,00
Categories: Heat for Hodlonaut

Starting September 12th, in Oslo, Norway - hodlonaut will take the stand to defend his allegations that Craig Wright is not Satoshi. The community is coming together to support hodlonaut and we are announcing a fundraiser to both raise donations but also to grow awareness and supply accurate information in the media narrative surrounding this case.

Please visit defendingbtc.com for more info.

Donation page: https://opensats.org/projects/opensats_legal_defense


Dragon's Breath seeds

10x Dragon's Breath seed

7,740 € 6,00 per 10 pieces Shipping 1,935 € 1,50

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Grow your own Dragon's Breath peppers and support Hodlonaut! All sales will be donated to help funding the legal costs.

Availability: In Stock
In Stock: 5
Shipping: 1,935 € 1,50
Categories: Heat for Hodlonaut

Starting September 12th, in Oslo, Norway - hodlonaut will take the stand to defend his allegations that Craig Wright is not Satoshi. The community is coming together to support hodlonaut and we are announcing a fundraiser to both raise donations but also to grow awareness and supply accurate information in the media narrative surrounding this case.

Please visit defendingbtc.com for more info.

Donation page: https://opensats.org/projects/opensats_legal_defense

Carolina Reaper seeds

Carolina Reaper seeds

10x Carolina Reaper seed

5,160 € 4,00 per 10 pieces Shipping 1,935 € 1,50

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Grow your own Carolina Reapers and support Hodlonaut! All sales will be donated to help funding the legal costs.

Availability: Limited Stock
In Stock: 3
Shipping: 1,935 € 1,50
Categories: Heat for Hodlonaut

Starting September 12th, in Oslo, Norway - hodlonaut will take the stand to defend his allegations that Craig Wright is not Satoshi. The community is coming together to support hodlonaut and we are announcing a fundraiser to both raise donations but also to grow awareness and supply accurate information in the media narrative surrounding this case.

Please visit defendingbtc.com for more info.

Donation page: https://opensats.org/projects/opensats_legal_defense

SPECIAL REPORT: Craig Wright Vs Hodlonaut Defamation Trial

Craig Wright Vs Hodlonaut Defamation Trial - Day 1


1) Daily Recap of the Craig Wright Vs Hodlonaut Trial - Day 1

2) Interview with Greg Foss

Even wachten...