1080 Podcasts

Bitcoin Audible

The Best in Bitcoin made Audible.
Guy Swann makes the knowledge of Bitcoin, the world's most secure, independent money, accessible to everyone. Exploring Bitcoin from an investment perspective, economic analysis, its philosophical foundations, & technological primitives. Reading and distilling thousands of hours of others' works on Bitcoin, Guy explains everything you need to know.
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Read_716 - How to Fix Banking & Money - PBDC vs CBDC [El Gato]

"and the uniparty is in strong agreement here. both know that losing control of the money and the ba…
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Read_715 - Clear and Present Danger [Joel Bowman]

"Thus was the dubious “clear and present danger” standard born. Holmes himself sought to redefine th…
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Basics_05 - The Node

Bitcoin is ultimately just a piece of software, the network – the global, censorship resistant, immu…
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Read_714 - Bitcoin's Meme Wars [DerGigi]

"The question that the fiat system answers is the following: who is allowed to counterfeit currency,…
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Read_713 - How the Fed "Went Broke" [Lyn Alden]

"The financial system in the United States, and for most of the rest of the world for that matter, c…
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Chat_79 - The Spirit of Bitcoin with John Vallis

I joined John today for an over 2 hour rip on the nature of Bitcoin, numerous technical developments…
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Guy's Take #64 - No Way Back, Only a Way Out

There is no magic wand. There is no such thing as a free lunch. When we bail out an institution, a b…
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Read_712 - Lightning Prisms [DerGigi]

"One aspect that is still massively under-utilized is the programmability of Bitcoin. While simple t…
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Read_711 - The Future Geopolitical Order and Bitcoin, Part 2 [Matthew Pines]

"One immediate lesson many drew from this event was a reconsideration of the risk of fiat liabilitie…
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Read_710 - The Future Geopolitical Order and Bitcoin, Part 1 [Matthew Pines]

"The 20th century was the first where technology enabled forms of violent state competition, as well…
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Read_709 - The Breez Open LSP Model

"Lightning is the way to make bitcoin the universal mainstream currency it was designed to be. This …
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Read_708 - Implications of Open Monetary & Information Networks, Part 2 [Lyn Alden]

"Over the long run, I view the outcome, one way or the other, more as a matter of technology than po…
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Read_707 - Implications of Open Monetary and Information Networks, Part 1 [Lyn Alden]

"For proponents of privacy and open networks to win becomes a matter of making the technology easy t…
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Read_706 - The Depression You've Never Heard of, 1920-21 [Robert P Murphy]

"This context highlights the importance of the 1920–1921 depression. Here the government and Fed did…
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Read_705 - Bitcoin's Full Potential Valuation [Croesus]

"But for me, when I think about what Bitcoin’s properties are as a store-of-value asset and then com…
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Read_704 - The Three Generations Theory [Aleks Svetski]

"People are very quick to project technology adoption curves onto Bitcoin. But the problem is that B…
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Chat_78 - To Nostropolis & Beyond! with BitKarrot

I recently had an awesome two-hour marathon chat about P2P social media with BitKarrot from the Nost…
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Basics_04 - Wallets & Transactions

Hot wallets, cold wallets, hardware wallets, custodial wallets, lightning wallets, holy crap! What d…
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Chat_77 - NVK on Stone Cold Storage in a Fiat World

Nostr, OP_VAULT, decentralized media, privacy, the incredible progress of the past few years, the ch…
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Read_703 - The Banks Are So F**ked – [Callebtc]

"Here is a little story of how I built a #Bitcoin Lightning payments app used by more than 10,000 us…
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Basics_03 - Keys, Everything You Need to Know

Not your keys, not your coins. What does this mean? Your Bitcoin keys are literally the keys to the …
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Read_702 - FediPools as a Solution to Centralization Risk [Marty Bent]

"If Fedipools prove to be viable we could find ourselves in a world where bitcoin mining pool centra…
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Read_701 - Lightning for Everyone in Every App [Roy Sheinfeld]

"This is the end of Lightning as a niche technology and the beginning of Lightning as a (ubiquitous)…
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Read_700 - The Race to Avoid the War [Cory Klippsten]

"Furthermore, when Bitcoiners develop privacy and scaling technology for Bitcoin, we make it substan…