
Robert Breedlove: Bitcoin, the Tyranny of Time Scarcity & the Masters & Slaves of Money


Robert Breedlove sits down with Ced to discuss:

- Is Bitcoin the incorruptible substance that alchemists strived for

- How the Central Bank is the greatest institution of tyranny in human history & will Bitcoin disrupt it

- Why ancient wisdom such as yoga, meditation & pyschedelics like ayahausca are making a return

- How property rights are the expression of the human territorial imperative

- Can we be sovreeign on a Fiat Standard?

- How inflation is a cancer on the socioeconomic & moral fabric of reality

"We're transcending the false statist dichotonomy between capitalism & communism & Bitcoin enables a new mode of socioeconomic organization I'm calling sovreignism." - Robert Breedlove

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